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Health checks before 189 visa application?!


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Help! I've been a bit daft and lodged my EOI without realising that my youngest child would need a passport... (I know it's worse than daft but I was excited when my skills assessment came through!). After receiving an invitation (hooray!) I realised my error and quickly applied for a passport. Unfortunately due to repeated bad luck with our countersignatory I'm now running out of time! I'm still hoping it will be OK but my fear now is that I try to apply for the visa and discover that I HAVE to have a health check already (which I would have done if I had the passport...doh!). Please let me know your experiences with applying a 189 visa recently, especially if you didn't have completed health checks... I'm panicking!!

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Hi there,


My understanding is that you can get the medical before applying or wait it until you submit the visa application.


I did have mine prior in order to speed the process, but obviously in your case, you will need to wait until you have the passport sorted. I think it was 60 days to apply for visa from date of invite. You will need the passports to apply even if you haven't had the medical after.





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Thank you for your replies, it's calmed the panic! I couldn't tel from the immigration website whether you had to have the health checks first or if it was just an option. I'm trying to do this without an agent and sometimes I get a bit worried I'm missing something :-) thanks again x

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