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Should I book my 9 yr old in for any jabs before we come over?


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My son is up to date with all NHS standard immunisations( uk schedule), but wondering if he needs Hep B jab before we come over? Are there any others he needs?


As as we are on 457 visa I want to get as much done on our NHS before we come over,plus my son will be less nervous having jabs at his local doctors.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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I think you have to pay for non standard vaccinations there anyways.


The ones in Aus that he would need as extra you can get done for free once here (least lots of people seem to have not paid at all that we spoke with) We didn't pay for the Hep B one (its a 3 injection course over a number of months) and I only paid for the chicken pox one as I didn't want to come back another time (it was out of stock in the clinic and so went and grabbed one from the nearby pharmacy for them to use).


Has your son had chicken pox? If not, that is the other one required here.

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Free in Australia - but only until 10 yrs old. There are several vacs you may need to catch up on - rotavirus / chicken pox etc. They aren't very expensive to buy - about the same as holidays vacs here.

We needed to get up to date in order to qualify for government subsidy with childcare - not sure if you will be eligible for this if you are on 457.

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@Judan, if you think you will do some travel thru Asia prior to arriving in Australia nhs will do hep b and probably hep a. ( you can get a two in one with hep a/b x2 injections) My kids all got theirs as we planned a month in Asia which didn't happen. I paid for kids to have rabies shots before we got here as assume we'll visit places affected by rabies, obv not req for Oz.. Good luck x

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Thanks for the reply IPP 77, apparently we haven't got enough time to go through the hep B schedule over here, so will do it in Oz. We have booked our flights for 2 weeks tomorrow(18th July!!!!!!). Just going straight to Australia with one short stop off in Dubai,a very quick move as husband starts job on 25th July!!!! Crazy here,it's all happened so suddenly.......but exciting too and blessed to have the opportunity to experience life in Australia.x

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"Free in Australia - but only until 10 yrs old"


Hi Peachy, does this apply to all children? Our son is 2,5y and we will be coming over on temporary visa later on this year...Just started looking into jabs he might need to have done before we arrive. He hasnt had chicken pox yet either. I am finding it all very confusing comparing the jabs in UK & australia..


Thanks for any advice!


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Haven't read all the other responses so not sure when someone is on a 457. The catch up jabs are free for children up to 10 on a 189.

Probably easier to get here - had struggle to get chicken pox jab for eldest in the UK. Youngest was going to have it here but is immune.


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You should all get a whooping cough booster as there is an outbreak in Oz at the moment and there are a lot of anti-vaxers here! I just had my booster as it comes as a triple - diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus. Cost me $50 as an adult but I needed it be around new born babies.

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