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189 partner visa

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Hi all, this is my first post so bare with me, Me and my (now ex) partner where recently granted a 189 visa, I have entered the country and was waiting for my partner to join me after our house was sold, unfortunately me and my partner have now split and she is refusing to enter Australia to activate the visas, I was the second applicant on the visa, although I am a professional in my own write (a nurse) it was just quicker to go over on her skills.


The question is where do I now stand on remaining in the country? Do I have to reapply for a 189 visa by myself? Is there any special measures in place for this kind of situation etc?


Any advice in this matter would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advanced. David

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Thanks for the speedy reply, we where given a date to activate both visas by January (by entering the country) do both parties need to do this, what are the consequences if she doesn't activate hers? Will that effort mine? I didnt get my skills assessment done because there was no need

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