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189 questions


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Hi, I'm about to submit my EOI (I have the IELTS and skills assessment done) but I have a few questions I haven't been able to find answers to and hopefully someone can help out.

- Can I confirm all I need to submit the EOI is my IELTS and assessment? Do they ask for other forms or paperwork?

- When do the occupation ceilings reset?

- Do they limit the applications per round if a number of people apply under the same code?


Looking forward to the application (fingers and toes crossed)

- I cant seem to find if police clearances from other countries expire, do immigration put an expiry date on them?

- Do medicals have an expiry date?

- I'm applying with my partner, can I please get a checklist of documents they get you to fill in and provide. I know we'll have to prove relationship and that's not an issue since i'm currently on a 461 and had to do that already, so I just need to prove we are still in the relationship which isn't too bad. But i'd like to have the forms filled out and the documents I need aside so the application can go smoothly and I'm not rushing around tearing my hair trying to out finding documents.


Any help would be amazing, thank you in advance.

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- I've never submitted an EOI, but I didn't think you need to include any document back-up. When you apply, that's when you provide your documents. Hopefully someone else can confirm this though.

- Occupation ceilings reset July 1st

- Depends on your occupation. If your occupation is classified as pro-rata (e.g. Accountant, Software Engineer) then they only issue a fixed number of invitations each month in order to avoid all the invitations being issued for those occupations within a few months. By using a pro-rata approach, it allows them to spread the invitations out more evenly and they can ensure the higher-point applicants get in ahead of the lower-point ones.


- DIBP accepts police checks up to 12 months old

- Medical checks expire after 12 months

- DIBP includes a document checklist for each visa on their website.

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Thanks maggiemay, that's helped heaps. I'm doing the EOI this weekend so thanks for the info. In the meantime I'm getting the police certs but in my last job they were only valid for 3 months and I was worried the 3 months might be up if I don't get selected to apply.


do you know how you find out if your occupation is classified as pro-rata. I'm an aeronautical engineer so I go other 'other engineer'.

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Your occupation isn't pro rata. The pro rata occupations are listed on the SkillSelect page on the DIBP website:


"Due to the continuing high numbers of EOIs received for the below occupations, invitations for these occupations will be issued on a pro rata basis in each monthly invitation round over the 2015-16 programme year. These arrangements are subject to change throughout the programme year. SkillSelect first allocates available places to Skilled – Independent (subclass 189) visas and then remaining to Skilled – Regional (subclass 489) (Provisional – Family Spon​sored) visas. If all places are taken up by subclass 189 visas then there will be no invitations issued for subclass 489 visas in these occupations:


  • ICT Business and Systems Analysts
  • Accountants​
  • Software and Applications Programmers."


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Sorry if this is a dumb statement but if the full quota apply next month for my category that leaves those applying the rest of the year out of luck with getting an invitation until next year, would they let that happen?


Sent in my EOI last the weekend :jiggy:

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Sorry if this is a dumb statement but if the full quota apply next month for my category that leaves those applying the rest of the year out of luck with getting an invitation until next year, would they let that happen?


Sent in my EOI last the weekend :jiggy:


Yes, and it does happen. I think the occupation ceiling for External Auditor was reached in October 2015 so anyone applying under that occupation code then has to wait until July 2016 for a new ceiling to open up spaces or look for state sponsorship as an option.

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