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Has/is anyone applying for Further Leave to remain visa while overseas?


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Hi all,


has as or is anyone applying for further leave to remain even though living and working overseas?


My husbands UK visa expires in October this year and had we been in the UK we would have been applying to extend this for another 30 months in order to proceed with the 5 year route to indefinite leave to remain.

We are now however, living and working in Australia.

They have told me that his visa is still current and valid and we can still apply for further leave to remain but the application has to be lodged WITHIN the UK.

so whilst they have stated this is an option for us they could not specify whether the fact that we were in the UK on a temporary basis (on holiday) would affect the outcome of the visa application.

Our plan is to return to the UK at some point but we cannot at the moment due to work commitments.


What I'm trying to avoid is starting the process all over again with visas but equally I do not want to invest the money to returning for a holiday and further application if they consider that our circumstances make our application null and void.


Anyone ne else been in similar situation?

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You should consider consulting a reputable migration agent that is familiar with the UK visa system. Worth doing if it could save potential issues and costs later on.

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Leave to remain visas can only be applied for onshore (the name says if all - you wouldn't apply to remain offshore). Entry visa are applied for offshore.


We know that, Ken. The question is, do you have to be not just onshore but also resident at the time of application? Or can you just pop back on holiday and apply while you're in the country?

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