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RE: Moving to the Goldcoast/Surrounding area

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Hi Everyone,


Me and the family are looking at moving to the Goldcoast (or surrounding area) in November this year. Our visa is already sorted and we have been to the goldcoast before. We have two children 5 and 3 but in all honesty we'd like some help in choosing a location preferable a nice area with reasonable schools. I know that sounds silly but in all honesty we're just not to sure whether there are 'nice areas' or 'run down' areas.


I'm a practising structural engineer. I've applied for jobs here in the UK and never hear anything, so we're going to take a bit of a gamble and just come out and try our luck. Again any advise would be greatly appreciated.




Gareth and Bev

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Hi Guys

Do you have somewhere to stay on arrival ? Most people book a holiday let for their first 3 or 4 weeks so they can look at areas ,find work etc.Ashmore Palms, Brisbane Holiday village and holiday apartments are popular with new arrivals for short stays.

It will be hard to pinpoint an area until you have secured work as traveling from one end of the coast to another or even into Brisbane can be a nightmare at rush hour and would certainly wear thin doing it every day.

There are much more lovely suburbs than ones you would be better to avoid so dont stress too much.

find a job first and then im pretty sure you will find a lovely suburb that suits you not too far away.


Cal x

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Hi cal,


No we have got anywhere to stay at the minute but good advise in terms of the 3 to 4 weeks. I've been applying over here for structural engineer jobs but in all honesty I've not heard anything back. My gut feeling is that its because we're still in the UK. So we are going to chance it and sell the house in the UK and come over. Hopefully then get a job.


One of the reasons for the gold coast is we went a few years ago and we loved it. However we know we must probably end up going where the work is, probably nearer to Brisbane.


The main priority is our Children. If we arrive in November will our children be able to attend a school or do you have to apply before the term starts.

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We arrived early November ,way back when we came, and my school age kids didnt start school until the start of the new school year in January. This was the advice given by the school so we went with it and it worked well as he made friends in the school holidays so did nt have start school knowing no one.


Its difficult to secure a job until your here, most say you are lucky to even get a reply to an application. No doubt the best way is to door knock where possible and sell yourself, dont just rely on job ad's, approach company's who aren't advertising, the worst they can say is 'nothing available'. Overall, companys do like you to be here to speak with face to face.


Lots of luck with everything


Cal x

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