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Help Skill Assessment and Points


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I have done Bachelor Engineer (Electronics 1999)


Completed MSC Computing 2001 (This is related to my work experience in IT)


Since 2001 i have 11.5 years of work ex in IT or IT related work.


What would be my total experience counted as?


How much points i can get for this work ex?


Is 55 points with age 41 good enough to apply for State Nomination for a person in IT? What would be my chances?

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Only the ACS can give you an accurate calculation of how many points you can claim for work experience (as they'll also be the ones gauging whether or not your degree is AQF equivalent).

I would suggest submitting an application for a skills assessment with the ACS and then take it from there.


As for points for state sponsorships, that's really down to each and every state. I understand each of the States / Territories has a website publishing details of what they're looking for from candidates.

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