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arjun1984's Achievements


Newbie (1/6)



  1. You were right, here is the new list https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2016L00800/Download
  2. oh, will have to wait and see then, anyways thanks mate
  3. Hey , According to the following report https://submissions.education.gov.au/forms/archive/2015_16_sol/documents/Attachments/Australian%20Computer%20Society%20%28ACS%29.pdf The following categories will be added to SOL after July when they release the 2016-2017 Occupation Ceiling list 1.262111 - Database Administrator 2.262112 - ICT Security Specialist 3.262113 - Systems Administrator 4.263211 - ICT Quality Assurance Engineer 5.263212 - ICT Support Engineer 6.263213 - ICT Systems Test Engineer 7.263299 - ICT Support and Test Engineer NEC 8.261212 - Web Developer 9.261211 - Multimedia Specialist 10.261399 -Software and Application Programmer Could someone correct me if I am wrong please Thanks in advance
  4. Thanks for the information.
  5. arjun1984

    PR Help

    Thanks for the information.
  6. Thanks for the information.
  7. Thanks for the information.
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