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NNEB what is the oz equivalent level on AQF scale


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Hi all,


Can anyone HELP Please...................Looking to use my CACHE DIPLOMA NNEB NURSERY NURSING (2002) as a diploma level qualification, either towards an application under Welfare worker or Childcare Centre Manager. I have management experience within a community capacity in a floating support project which assisted vulnerable families/individuals at risk of homelessness, but not unfortunately as a manager of a childcare centre. I am currently working with young people excluded from education and have previous experience working in residential care (children). Although these were some years back 2002-2009. I seem to be going around in circles as my job preferences tend to verge on the childrens services and social side.....Also having had a career break to raise my kids hasn't helped the situation. Lots of personal experience raising kids but noooooooo recognition as a parent???? Has anyone been in a similar predicament....I want to get my qual recognised....but it seems every time a course looks like it could be related for migration purposes the criteria changes. Has anyone successfully used this qual for entry under welfare work or childcare ???? Also what is a NNEB equiv under the AQF scale????????????:twitcy:

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[TABLE=width: 90%, align: center]


[TD]Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)


[TD]U.K. Qualification Level (NVQ & GNVQ)




[TD]Certificate I






[TD]Certificate II


[TD]NVQ 1/GNVQ Foundation




[TD]Certificate III


[TD]NVQ 2/GNVQ Intermediate




[TD]Certificate IV








[TD]NVQ 3/Higher National Cerificate




[TD]Advanced Diploma


[TD]NVQ 4/Higher National Diploma




[TD]Bachelor Degree






[TD]Graduate Certificate






[TD]Graduate Diploma






[TD]Masters Degree






[TD]Doctoral Degree






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Hi all,


Can anyone HELP Please...................Looking to use my CACHE DIPLOMA NNEB NURSERY NURSING (2002) as a diploma level qualification, either towards an application under Welfare worker or Childcare Centre Manager. I have management experience within a community capacity in a floating support project which assisted vulnerable families/individuals at risk of homelessness, but not unfortunately as a manager of a childcare centre. I am currently working with young people excluded from education and have previous experience working in residential care (children). Although these were some years back 2002-2009. I seem to be going around in circles as my job preferences tend to verge on the childrens services and social side.....Also having had a career break to raise my kids hasn't helped the situation. Lots of personal experience raising kids but noooooooo recognition as a parent???? Has anyone been in a similar predicament....I want to get my qual recognised....but it seems every time a course looks like it could be related for migration purposes the criteria changes. Has anyone successfully used this qual for entry under welfare work or childcare ???? Also what is a NNEB equiv under the AQF scale????????????:twitcy:


You need to work out what occupation you want to apply under, it doesn't mean that you are restricted to only working in that specific occupation afterwards. So try to separate what job you would like with what occupation you can apply under.


You need to apply under an occupation you have actually done, so if you have not worked as a Childcare Centre Manager you cannot apply under this occupation code. You cannot apply on the basis of being a parent either no.



I always thought Childcare Centre Manager needed a degree too and it is possible Welfare Worker needs a degree as well, but I could be wrong on that. Have you worked as a welfare worker in the past, if so perhaps this is the occupation to look into further. Have you worked more recently than 2009? Sometimes a skills assessment will require work experience in the last five years.


Criteria does change but really not that often for skills assessments, what has changed and derailed your plans in the past?

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Hi all,


Can anyone HELP Please...................Looking to use my CACHE DIPLOMA NNEB NURSERY NURSING (2002) as a diploma level qualification, either towards an application under Welfare worker or Childcare Centre Manager. I have management experience within a community capacity in a floating support project which assisted vulnerable families/individuals at risk of homelessness, but not unfortunately as a manager of a childcare centre. I am currently working with young people excluded from education and have previous experience working in residential care (children). Although these were some years back 2002-2009. I seem to be going around in circles as my job preferences tend to verge on the childrens services and social side.....Also having had a career break to raise my kids hasn't helped the situation. Lots of personal experience raising kids but noooooooo recognition as a parent???? Has anyone been in a similar predicament....I want to get my qual recognised....but it seems every time a course looks like it could be related for migration purposes the criteria changes. Has anyone successfully used this qual for entry under welfare work or childcare ???? Also what is a NNEB equiv under the AQF scale????????????:twitcy:


Childcare Centre Manager requires extensive experience as a manager in that role. Welfare worker, as far as I know, requires at least a specific qualification that relates to the area. I am not sure that the NNEB qualifies you for either to be honest. The closest would be centre manager if you had experience.

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Thanks all....yep pretty much as i thought...its a difficult one as raised my children between 2009-2015, I currently work as a support worker to a young person excluded from education (again a mix between social and educational role),but only 7 month experience so far. Managed a support centre between 2005-2009 and previous work all support services similar to welfare/ community work since 2002. Problem is the qualification side........loads of inhouse training but nooooo formal in welfare work other than an advanced counselling certificate which prob not high enough for recognition as i think equates to level 2 AQF. The Diploma in Community Service (OZ qualification for welfare work) is recognised by Acecqua as relevant for childcare.....even though its social related just wondered if my NNEB would be recognised by AWCA(welfare work association) but it seems not!!!!


Difficult thing is that here in UK experience accounts for a lot, whereby it seems quals are heavily weighted in Australia for migration purposes. I never short of opportunities to mix my social/ childcare here, and I'm guessing its the same in Australia...its just getting the opportunity to prove yourself I guess........just gonna keep applying with the hope of a sponsor and possibly look into training opps in Australia.....trouble is the cost especially having to pay school fees for kids too need a lot of money as average fees $23000 per year for three of us to enter education system. Impossible money for us and thus the reason why we couldn't afford to do it years ago also, and Only had 1 child back then!


Hitting 39yrs now so should i re-enter education i get the qualification...YAY... but loose in the age catogory for migration points, plus all previous work experience as would then be previous to the 10 year deadline mark. Very Frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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