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Hi all looking for some advice as my wife and i really want to move out to aus but not sure if we can with the quantification we have i have level 3 nvq in mechanical engineering, nvq level 4 lift supervisor as for my wife she has nvq level 3 in health and social care and a nvq in hospitality and tourism.


All advice and comments welcome.



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Hi, the first thing you need to do is locate the occupation you will be applying under on the CSOL / Sol list. Once you have the Anzsco code for your occupation you can then look to see what qualifications are required.


I know for my occupation in needed a AQF Diploma. I only had a NVQ 3 which was not equivalent to a AQF Diploma. A AQF Diploma is equivalent to a NVQ 4 / HND / HNC

I did RPL to up my qualification. Your best bet in the first instance is to do as above and find out what you actually need for your occupation


Good luck

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