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We have our 189 Visa - Now what.


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Hi, me again.

So we finally have our visa, I have applied for Teacher Registration in QLD and we have both started applying for jobs. I have the 'to do list' that has been posted on here and i am in the process of collating documents for evidence for rentals etc.


We are intending to finish this school year and fly out at the end of July/beginning of August.


So questions:

1. Do we need to wait until we are out there to get a bank account?

2. How do you transfer money? Is it as straightforward as just going online and moving it?

3. Pension - should we withdraw the private pension we have accumulated in the UK? (its not a huge amount as I've only been paying in 6 years) Or do you recommend leaving it there until further down the line?

4. Areas - Gosh this is the hard one as I've done quite a bit of research and taken onboard peoples suggestions here and keep changing my mind. So Now torn between the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast and leaning a little more toward the Sunshine Coast. I'd like to be near to a nice beach say 20 mins drive. I want to live somewhere reasonably near to amenities like coffee shops, a bar, restaurant and shop preferably. Maybe an hour commute to the city, nice area, but not super expensive.

5. The scary one - Jobs. I'm a tech teacher hubby's a teacher / engineer. I know jobs aren't super easy to come by at the minute but any tips/advice for securing one?


I have loads more but I'm conscious this is a pretty long post so apologies and thanks in advance. :cute:

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1. You can open it now and just collect the cards from the branch when you arrive - there is a NAB sub forum on here where you can chat to bank staff (NAB = National Australia Bank and are one of the biggest banks in Oz) http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/banking-ask-nab/


2. There is a sub forum for money transfers by Money Corp and they are one of the cheapest means of doing it and offer a discount to forum members. John who will come back to you with any questions is a nice guy. http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/money-transfer-ask-moneycorp/


3. The forum has this covered as well and you can get financial advice here http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/financial-advice-ask-vista/


4. Sorry, don't know QLD


5. Have a look in the jobs section as there is a long running thread for teachers that may assist

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Very Stormy this is brill, thank you. Will get right onto the 'money' stuff.


Yeah I've spoken with Teachers on the Teacher thread... suppose i'm just trying to gather as much info as possible. I'm now going to check those threads you have suggested. Honestly - LOVE PIO!!:smile:

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Don't quit your current jobs but take career breaks. Consider with your skills applying for positions outside teaching as well as teaching - they'll probably be easier to crack and pay better.


Don't transfer your pensions until you know it's where you want to end your days because once Australia has your money it won't let it go, plenty of time to transfer when you're certain

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Many thanks Quoll, we absolutely will be looking for roles that we are qualified for. I have worked as a graphic designer and visual merchandiser in the past and the hubby was a senior engineer way back when so we are open to other options.


Yes I think we will keep our pensions. Many thanks.

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Some jobs state 'eligible for QLD teacher registration' which I have sent off. I am applying for jobs but don't really anticipate getting anything until I arrive...even if its just relief work. But it can't harm to try right? Not all jobs specify a need for first aid quali either. of course the ideal situation would be one us to get a job before arrival but I am also being realistic about the prospect of this and we do realise it could be months after arrival before we actually secure work.

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