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Confusion regarding EOI for 190 in ACT

Muhammad Saad

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Dear Sir:



I want to apply for 190. Currently my occupation is available in WA and ACT.



In the EOI form, its showing the option to select "Any state", which means u will be considered for all states.



When i checked WA website, it says the same thing "Have selected ‘Western Australia’ or ‘any State or territory’ as your preferred State."



However, when i check the ACT website, it is saying this " You must select the ACT as your preferred location to live in Australia. "



Now, i am thinking of 2 options.



1. Apply seperate EOI for WA and ACT choosing each as preferred in the EOI.



2. I apply only one EOI and keep "ANY" as my preferred choice of state.





Please advise.

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I'd go with 2 E0I's. As the previous poster said. if your job is listed as schedule 2 in WA then you must already have a job offer/contract in WA. Bear this in mind before you lodge the EOI for WA.


Good luck

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