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Visa 189 invitation!


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Well done on jobs! I've got forms to send back to Brisbane children's, will sort out this week. It all sounds positive though and they se t me an application pack as soon as I sent them my CV. How. How you tell who has had Adelaide team? Is there still a spreadsheet on here with timeframes?

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Alice Springs ED. I thought it was just a wee chat on the phone, info about the department, hospital etc, and where I am with regards to visa, but no.....jeez, it was in depth! The normal sort of "why do you want to work here?" questions, and then very specific clinical questions "if the pH was .... CO2 was.... and bicarb was...what does this mean for the patient and what is the treatment" to questions on ECGs (which I did nothing of at uni, and am still learning how to read!) but managed to get the right answers luckily. For 6 months qualified, I impressed myself that I knew! It was intense for 8am! All dependent on my references, so should hear back from them next week with more info. I never would have thought I could secure a job from the UK, especially as a new grad, so I'm hoping that it all works out :) Still got my eyes on the new RAH though ;)


Good luck. Have you ever been to Alice Springs? Very different to the coast; some love it some hate it. That kind of a place I think.

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