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IELTS 19th March 2016


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you and same here Paige, although I feel I might not get 8's this time. I have always likes tests and exams but found the IELTS quite stressful. It was my first time and I suppose I didn't really know what to expect. I did put in a lot of practice in but still found the time allowed not enough esp. for reading and writing. Is it your first test? If you need any further info let me know, be happy to help.

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Hi. Yes, first attempt. Barry1986, I'm thinking I might be joining you in April.... I have been revising but it is soooo boring that I lose concentration. Good luck Kirsty! Is it results day for you Patch?? If so, fingers crossed :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also found IELTS very stressful and I felt I didn't achieve what I could have. I scored 10 points but need 20.. Iv decided to go for the Pearson test. Flying from Christchurch to Auckland in a few weeks to give it a shot

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Hi Patch. How did your results go? I get mine Friday. Overall found the whole day very stressful, I don't know if I could go through it again!


Ahhhhh....passed, but didn' get enought for 20 points. I got L7.5 R8 W6 S8.5


I run out of time for the writing, so knew that I would not score 8.

I agree with you, I found the whole day dragged and the extremelly strick rules added to the stress. 66 people in an exam hall is not the most natural environment.

I was under the impression that everyone would have their own headset for the Listening part but it was played on speakers for the entire hall....people were sneezing, coughing, moving, dopping pens etc. I found it intefering and could not hear properly at times.


So, onwards and upwards and I will give the Pearson Test a go on 19 April.


Hope you get the scores you need, let me know how you've done...keeping fingers crossed for you.

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Hi Patch. Sorry to hear that you didn't get what you needed. I understand what you mean, I found the reading section so hard as everyone kept turning the pages of their booklets constantly and it was really distracting and I just couldn't concentrate. There must have been in excess of 50 people. I have been looking into the Pearsons test also, but I can only do Ielts for my skills assessment but might try that for points. Good luck with it! Let me know how it compares to Ielts.

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Hi Paige03 and others, How did you get on with your IELTS results? I got mine through this morning (actually at ten past midnight as I couldn't sleep!), that 2 week wait was the longest ever and i'm sure I was more nervous for these results than my CIMA ones! I managed to get the 20 points I need for my 189 visa and Skills Assessment, I scored Overall 8.5 (L - 9 R - 9 W - 8.5 S - 8). Phew! Good luck to everyone else

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I am jealous at those results. I got S-9, R-9, L-8, W-7.5. Gutted I missed out by 0.5 but I knew I had messed up the writing as I panicked. Oh, well. I have enough for my ANMAC assessment and I'll book myself in for the General test at the end of April and hope I get all 8's then. I've read that the General is easier in the writing section. The Australia dream is a little closer :cool:. Good luck everyone else!

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Sorry for being slow in replying to this. Kirsty said she found it tough and long winded too and didn't feel too confident coming out of it. But, scored an overall 8.5 which is nicely above the 7 required for her 190 visa, plus gets the extra 20 points.


Next step is the EOI now...

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Sorry for being slow in replying to this. Kirsty said she found it tough and long winded too and didn't feel too confident coming out of it. But, scored an overall 8.5 which is nicely above the 7 required for her 190 visa, plus gets the extra 20 points.


Next step is the EOI now...


That is good news. I noticed that you're hoping to end up in SA. That is where we're hoping to go too.

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