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schools in brisbane and query on costs

The Smith Clan

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Would be arriving on visa 189, are there costs for schooling on this visa? Children would be approximately 13, 11 and 7 when we move.




Are there wrap around clubs for after school or activities for kids at school. We don't have a location but may possible be around landsbourgh area.


Thanks in advance for any advice.


Maria x

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No costs in the state school system, just perhaps for clubs etc.


Be careful what you wish for. Landsborough has a reputation for being extremely bogan (rough, low socio economic area). Maleny on the other hand up the hill (from Landsborough) is the opposite and is simply an amazing place. Neither place is really commutable to Brisbane City easily in my opinion, unfortunately.

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Schools in QLD have a voluntary fee payable by everyone who enrolls, my DD's high school charge $200 pr year. If this isnt paid kids have some things limited i.e they can't print etc.

At the minute (and for the last 5 or so years) the government give out a school kids bonus to those parents who receive Family Benefit, to help purchase uniform, books pay the above fee etc , i thinks its 2 payments each year of around $400 for high school age students.


Cal x

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No costs in the state school system, just perhaps for clubs etc.


Be careful what you wish for. Landsborough has a reputation for being extremely bogan (rough, low socio economic area). Maleny on the other hand up the hill (from Landsborough) is the opposite and is simply an amazing place. Neither place is really commutable to Brisbane City easily in my opinion, unfortunately.


I didn't want to comment before but if you haven't visited Landsborough before it's very small, a few cafes and a couple of interesting shops and a railway station.

Our neighbours moved there, but sent their boys to a private school.

Wouldn't be my first choice, but we are all different.

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