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Ivory question for shipping


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Hi I have a question and am hoping someone may be able help.


Growing up up my dad collected chess sets (he's been dead over 10 years) he was given one as a gift when I was a small child (40 years ago) which came from India and is made of Ivory. When my dad died my uncle took it to remember him by as it was my dad's favourite. Not because of the fact it is Ivory, none of us would condone the trade, but it is a very small beautiful set. The family who bought it for him were Indian and this was back in the day before people were educated about the issues.

Anyway, just back to present day and my Uncle has now died and I have inherited the chess set back. I want to keep it for sentimental reasons but not sure if it is possible to import Ivory into Aus, which I guess is technically what I would be doing if I keep it.


Can an anyone shed some light on the problem?


Please i I am not looking for a debate on the ivory trade, just some helpful advice.


If i am honest it looks like it's made of plastic so we have discussed whether anyone would even know as it is not boxed with a big label etc!



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We are just starting to look into this, and it is easier to take my parents ashes than ivory!! Mine is pre 1947 (1890-1900's) and we are trying to make sense of the CITES website. Looks like we have to re-export from the UK, then import to Oz.......not expensive, but very unclear!! If anyone has done this recently, please share. Have no idea about post 1947 ivory though, start with CITES and good luck.

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We are just starting to look into this, and it is easier to take my parents ashes than ivory!! Mine is pre 1947 (1890-1900's) and we are trying to make sense of the CITES website. Looks like we have to re-export from the UK, then import to Oz.......not expensive, but very unclear!! If anyone has done this recently, please share. Have no idea about post 1947 ivory though, start with CITES and good luck.

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There are rules about the age of the Ivory I think and about trade. You will not be selling it though so I guess it will just be checking with quarantine this end. I am guessing the answer is in here somewhere.




Parkeycross, did you declare that you took it with you? I've read the link that was attached to the government website, and I have no evidence of where it is from, it's age or anything so a bit confused as to how I'd get those retrospectively.


It it is old so assume it may predate CITES but have no idea. And again I've no certificate.


Just wondering what what happens if I'd not known it was Ivory. I'd guess if you looked at it you'd never know? Or do they??

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Parkeycross, did you declare that you took it with you? I've read the link that was attached to the government website, and I have no evidence of where it is from, it's age or anything so a bit confused as to how I'd get those retrospectively.


It it is old so assume it may predate CITES but have no idea. And again I've no certificate.


Just wondering what what happens if I'd not known it was Ivory. I'd guess if you looked at it you'd never know? Or do they??


sorry, that should have said Parleycross.

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  • 4 months later...

If it is of any use, we have just imported our ivory. Got the certificate from CITES eventually (they told us what we had done wrong on the form, how to correct it and bingo!), had the ivory in my checked bag, declared it under animal parts on the incoming passenger card, was asked if I had food, siad no, was whisked away and just about to head out into arrivals when I thought it best to check with someone if they wanted to see the paperwork! They did have a glance at it and took it for a second opinion, bit didn't want to see the ivory! Bearing in mind it was a pair of tusks (inherited, historical ivory), I thought they may have wanted to check, but no. The shippers didn't want anything to do with it, paperwork or not, that's why it was in my bag! I had quite fancied being on Border Security as a 'how to do it right' example.......

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