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Whilst I wouldn't say we felt deflated, there was a definite change of feeling once we received our grants. I think (for us at least) it's associated with coming to terms with the fact that obtaining the visas, however easy or difficult, is just one step on a much longer journey.


In any case - glad you got your visas and wish you luck.

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Got our visas last week, but it kind of feels like happiness followed by a bit of deflation as we have finally got through the process.


Is this just the fear of it being real and needing to hand in resignations?


yes, pretty normal. It's probably a bit of fear. Suddenly realising it's all real and you need to go through with it It's no longer a dream. Reality bites eh!


Loads of work to do now. It seems to never end even after you get over here, or at least for the first few months (depending on how well you can set yourself upon arrival). Then there's all the emotional stuff, guilt etc. All normal, and all stressful at times.

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This is normal for some people. You build up a lot of emotion around achieving something – in this case a visa grant – and you define your life around it. Then when it finally happens, you no longer have that definition to cling to (visa applicant) and your life is still basically the same as it was yesterday. Instead, you just have a sense of “what now?”.


Now you will have to redefine yourselves as people who are moving to Australia, start to build up emotional investment in that. But be aware that there is a risk that once you actually go through with it and find yourselves in Australia, you may get the same sense of deflation.


I get the same way. Whenever I achieve a goal, I get an enormous and immediate sense of deflation. I never quite understand how other people react with euphoria. I guess we’re all different for a reason.

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I think relieved is the correct term.

I think you are making the mistake of assuming that everyone felt the same way as you. I am sure Ferrets chose the word that fitted his/her feelings best. FWIW, it's a feeling I have identified with after reaching many long-standing goals or milestones.

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I think you are making the mistake of assuming that everyone felt the same way as you. I am sure Ferrets chose the word that fitted his/her feelings best. FWIW, it's a feeling I have identified with after reaching many long-standing goals or milestones.


Thank you strange internet thread stalker person...

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We are definitely relieved and happy, but having put so much commitment into the visa process for almost 8 months it seems weird to not be checking the e-mail so much every invitation round.


I think it's the case of reality biting now we have the visas in hand, but certainly seemed a weird feeling at the time. Maybe I'm just worried about resigning

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I achieved my 175 visa 4 years ago and still haven't moved to Oz. Getting the visa was the easy bit. Making a viable life in Oz in the climate Oz finds itself currently in is another matter. Is Oz the place you thought it was or has been made out to be and could you better off staying put dispute many TV programs telling you otherwise??!!

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I achieved my 175 visa 4 years ago and still haven't moved to Oz. Getting the visa was the easy bit. Making a viable life in Oz in the climate Oz finds itself currently in is another matter. Is Oz the place you thought it was or has been made out to be and could you better off staying put dispute many TV programs telling you otherwise??!!


Think it's just being worried about the next step, still committed to the move but it's just....different after grant if that makes sense?

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Think it's just being worried about the next step, still committed to the move but it's just....different after grant if that makes sense?


Yes I agree sort of, now I have the visa and professional registrations (nursing one is a pain) things feel different. We've both just handed our notices in this week, although both our managers already knew we were heading to Aus, trying to plan the next few months and then what we are doing when we get there and it is not the same feeling as when applying for the visa.


The final thing for me to do is sell the house, we've accepted an offer a month ago but still not heard from the buyers solicitors even though they want to complete before tax changes on 1st April.


I guess now it is more of a reality I just sort of want it to be over with than having to wait until June! The visa was a hurdle to overcome and a challenge with clear completion, now everything is a bit uncertain!

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