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British bulldog to uk

Guest Guest 115534

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Guest Guest 115534

Has any one flew a British bulldog back to the uk ? We are really scared as they are one of the breeds with a higher chance of dieing. any info on companies you've used or alternative ways to get him back would be much welcomed.

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You will be limited to certain airlines and routes I'm guessing.


Best bet is to contact the pet shippers Aus side and see who flies the breed and what time of year etc.


Then get your dog assessed by a vet to ensure s/he is fit to fly and so on. Also get all the vaccinations etc up to date for UK entry. Can find all that info on the UK gov website.

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We've already found an airline and what needs to be done , but I want to make sure it's the best option.


Each dog is different. You know your dog, how he copes under stress etc. Is he chilled out if away from you? Does he cope ok in new situations? Consider that such a flat faced breed may have difficulty in cooling themselves down if stressed or if they over heat and its a long haul flight confined to a crate.


I know a few bulldogs here and one is calm as anything in new situations, the others panic, get distressed, you can see their sides heaving and they go very quiet and then pant lots to try to cool down. Each dog will react differently and even a calmer dog may sometimes struggle to cope in such a situation.


I'd discuss with your vet, who should know your dog, their medical history etc and see what they say. Personally, I'd say shipping any bulldog is a risk. Only you can decide if its a risk you want to take with your dog.


If it were me and I had to return to the UK, I'd probably try to rehome the dog via the breed rescue or a reputable rehoming group in the first instance. Most dogs soon adapt and imprint on a new home and owner. Its us that struggle with the whole thing more. I don't think I'd chance shipping a bulldog personally.

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Guest Guest 115534

Thanks but rehiring him is not an option for us, he means the absolute world to the both of us. I may ask the vet though and I've researched on how to prepare him for the flight.

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Hi Kelly,


We have moved many 1,000s of British Bulldogs back to the UK, our teams are well trained and our vets give us the most up to date advise on air shipping brachycephalic breeds. Please call our 1300 13 52 52 number and we would be pleased to help. Can I ask where in Australia you are based?





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Good luck Kelly, i hope its not too expensive and he has a safe flight. Reading the pet shippers post should help, it sounds pretty positive for you. We bought our young BB from a family North of Brisbane a few years ago as they were moving back and didn't want to risk flying him. It broke their heart to re home him but he went to a good home and we worship him.


Cal x

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Has any one flew a British bulldog back to the uk ? We are really scared as they are one of the breeds with a higher chance of dieing. any info on companies you've used or alternative ways to get him back would be much welcomed.

We are flying our Shar Pei the other way round but there are some conditions Emirates won't fly them between I think it's May 1st and 1st October because it's too hot on the ground in Dubai

Quantas I think will fly at most times with a disclaimer

It's worrying I know but if you do your homework I am sure your boy will be fine

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Guest Guest 115534

Ye we have looked into how to prepare him and make it less stressful and also the most direct flight and what temperatures are gonna be like in different countries.

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I would also recommend you speak to dogtainers. We are commencing the process for our little fella to fly back to the UK. Due to the fact most airlines won't let a pet fly unless an agent is used, I recomend you give them a call.


I would add, I was pleasantly surprised at the price!

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Will add, there are only now two real option for dogs from oz to the uk. Emirates and Malasian.


Prices are are about the same for either.


The big difference is that the Malaysian flight has a very short stop over and they are just transfered in KL. the Emirates flight requires a compulsory wait in Dubai for several hours. However, they are transferred off the plane in a air conditioned vehicle and housed in a climate controlled centre and given a walk, food and water.


We were torn about which would be best - a longer trip, but with a chance for him to get a stretch and a bite to eat - they can't eat for 10 hours prior to flight! Or, just get it over with ASAP. We have decided on the later. Mainly because he isn't very good with other people and gets stressed when handled by strangers. So, he will go Malaysian, but we will go Emirates as he has the two compulsory waits in Dubai and LHR and we will land and be able to collect him. Though that is partly based on the fact I can use the business lounges with Emirates and have a good chance of a free upgrade.


They can can only fly into LHR and there is another compulsory wait there of several hours. No way around this one. Though look on YouTube at LHR ARC and you will see they are pretty good at this.


There are a lot of things to consider.


First, you must get the rabies shot at least 22 days before flight and the certificate from the vets to confirm a blood test has worked. Also, consider that some times the rabies jab doesn't work first time. So factor in plenty of time.


Then, there are regulations to consider on flying such as you must fly within 5 days of the dog.

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