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Defacto information requested by CO


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Hey Guys,


Bit of background info.

Lodged a 189 visa application claiming 60 points for age (29), Australian educational qualification (trade certificate) and superior English (PTE Academic).


So today got an email from the case officer requesting further information,


Evidence of dependent relationship

Personal particulars for character assessment

Evidence of your relationship with your defacto partner


The character assessment part I don't mind as its just form 80 but I don't get why they need the other information.

My girlfriend is an Australian citizen and not part of the application, the only reason shes on it at all is because I put my martial status as defacto, which we are.


We can certainly get all the documents to prove our relationship but this seems a lot of extra work and I don't see the relevance.


Anybody else been is this situation?

Is there anything I can reply back to the case officer that could excuse me from gathering all the defacto info?

If I have to supply defacto info does it have to been in such detail as if this was a spouse visa e.g statements from friends and family? Or will bank statements, photos, personal statements do?




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If your oh is Australian you do not need to provide information, I assume you do not have any other dependants, so it would just be the form 80. That sounds like a standard request so just send the form 80 and reply stating that your de facto is Australian and is therefore not requiring a visa.

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Did you list your partner on the application and as part of the application?


Also yes proof of defacto would require a lot of documentation on your relationship, it sounds to me like you've added them as an actual applicant on the visa application.


If i were you i would try and contact your case officer and confirm with them.

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Hey guys,


What are peoples experiences dealing with case officers?

I replied explaining the situation that my girlfriend is Australian and if the de facto documents are necessary. Then yesterday I replied again attaching my completed form 80 and a copy of my girlfriends passport and again just asking to confirm regarding de facto info.


Each time I have sent an email I receive an automated reply saying they aim to reply soon after 28 days after the information was requested. Surely I'm not expected to wait 28 days for them to confirm if the de facto information is necessary.


I'm contemplating uploading my form 80, girlfriend's passport and basic defacto info to my immi account and then clicking the information provided button. Am I being impatient here?

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They rarely reply at all, honestly i wouldn't worry too much, just be aware that they have received the information. If they need anything else they will tell you.


I tend to upload statements on the application so there is a definite record of contact. The document i uploaded was simply addressed to the case officer saying that we will be away for 3 weeks, from date to date etc.


If you are really concerned you could try and contact immigration in general and ask about this.



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Some reply, other's don't. I'd do as you've said - upload the form 80, her passport and some basic de facto evidence (e.g. lease agreement, joint bank statement, etc.) and hope that makes them happy.


Yeah that's what I've done, hopefully that satisfies them and I get a decision soon.

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