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As keen as French mustard

Jamie Wall

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Hi there,



I'm jumping the gun a little here, but I was hoping to get a better understanding of what my options are going to be on getting a visa to work in Australia. I spent a couple of years on a working holiday there, and like most I fell in love. I didn't really have the skills to stay, so returned in the hope of studying and eventually moving back. I am currently studying to be an electrician (about half way through a 3 year course) and I currently work as a Fire Alarm Engineer (1 year) I have a partner who will be joining me and she is a hairdresser (5 years). *



My question is, I know there is a couple of routes I can go down in the future, but I'm not sure what is the best.*



I was thinking of waiting until January 2018, so I have been a fire alarm engineer for three years and applying with that. I will be a fully qualified electrician at this point, but will not have the post qualification experience to pass a skills assessment. I believe fire alarm technician comes under Electronic trades worker, which is currently on the SOL. I'm thinking 30 points for age, 20 for language, 5 for experience and 10 for trade certificate. I also have a possible 5 for partner skills and 5 for state nomination. Is this a flawed plan? I understand that the list is changing all the time, and by then the above will not be doable.*



If you could give me any tips, it would be greatly appreciated.



Many thanks,




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Hi Jamie welcome to the forum.


I am by far an expert on visa's as things have changed so much since we migrated, but just check the rules as i always thought you had to have 3 years AFTER you became qualified but if ive read right your saying your 3 years would actually have been your 'training????


Hope this helps a but and you find a way here

Cal x

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Hi Cal,


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. Yes, I would need 3 years post qualification if I wanted to emigrate as an Electrician, however I would have been a Fire Alarm Engineer for over three years by then, and a qualification is not needed for this role. In fact, it's only a few days courses, but having on the job experience is paramount. The requirements for immigration state that three years of experience would be sufficient, so I was hoping to apply for the visa under this and take my electrician qualifications with me and convert them whilst there. I'm just hoping that Electronic Equipment Trades Worker stays on the list.



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First, check in fine detail what is required for the Fire Alarm skills assessment.


If if you can pass, then great. If not, you could see if your partner can pass as a hairdresser - only one of you needs to be a main applicant. However, you would need to ensure that your relationship is suitable to be regarded as defacto. This usually means you have lived together for a year.

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Thanks Storm, how would I go about checking exactly what the skills assessment would require for a pass? I've looked at various websites under the ANZ code, and the only information I can find is AQF level 3 and two years experience, AQF level 4, or three years of on the job training could be enough. Is this as finer detail as I can get?


Many thanks.

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