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Moving to Oz but never visitied...Please could anyone offer some advice???


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Hi Everyone


My name's Carly I am 26 and married to Lee who is 25 we have 3 boys George(5) Alfie (3) Harry (1) we are looking at emigrating to Perth, we have just spoke to a couple agencies who said they can get our visa ready for early next year. Did anyone else use a company? I am starting to get a bit anxious about things as we have both never been to Oz. As you can see we are young parents and I have wanted to move to Oz since the birth of my first son. I don't want to live my life wishing I went and never going, I want to move now whilst my children are small making it easier for them. I have no idea where to move in the Perth area I just want somewhere that is very family orientated. Does anyone have any suggestions on what areas are good? What schools are good? What is a decent wage in Perth aswell? My husband will be working (mechanical Engineer) whilst I am at home with the children so I will work part time but want to make sure he takes the right job with a decent wage.


I have never lived away from my parents before and I feel sad at the thought of leaving them as I am a "typical daddy`s girl", my parents have been very supportive and said they will visit once a year for 6 weeks (my mum works in a school, 6 weeks summer holidays)

Is it normal for me to feel a bit worried and did anyone else go without visiting? :spinny:Would really appreciate some advice.


Sorry that I have gone on a bit...:chatterbox:


Carly :daydreaming:

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Guest Lui A xxx
Hi Everyone


My name's Carly I am 26 and married to Lee who is 25 we have 3 boys George(5) Alfie (3) Harry (1) we are looking at emigrating to Perth, we have just spoke to a couple agencies who said they can get our visa ready for early next year. Did anyone else use a company? I am starting to get a bit anxious about things as we have both never been to Oz. As you can see we are young parents and I have wanted to move to Oz since the birth of my first son. I don't want to live my life wishing I went and never going, I want to move now whilst my children are small making it easier for them. I have no idea where to move in the Perth area I just want somewhere that is very family orientated. Does anyone have any suggestions on what areas are good? What schools are good? What is a decent wage in Perth aswell? My husband will be working (mechanical Engineer) whilst I am at home with the children so I will work part time but want to make sure he takes the right job with a decent wage.


I have never lived away from my parents before and I feel sad at the thought of leaving them as I am a "typical daddy`s girl", my parents have been very supportive and said they will visit once a year for 6 weeks (my mum works in a school, 6 weeks summer holidays)

Is it normal for me to feel a bit worried and did anyone else go without visiting? Would really appreciate some advice.


Sorry that I have gone on a bit...


Carly :daydreaming:


Hi Carly and welcome to PIO.............I'm not sure i am the best person to help here......although someone( a sensible grown up) will be along shortly to help............we used an agency....felt better in letting someone know what they were doing be in control......we used australia migration and they have been very good........as for visiting oz.....we have never been either........but.......we are trying to think of the whole experience as a working holiday....!!!.....(hubby working that is......:biglaugh:).........


worrying wether you are doing the right thing will come and go in waves.........one week i can't wait.....the next.......i'm pooping my pants......but i guess that goes with being a parent...!!!!......and being a human being...as for going to Perth...that is where we are heading.....but....this also changes......????......(can even depend on the time of the month....):arghh:


All the best in all of your descisions...........


The fact you have supportive parents is a real blessing...........my parents have all ready agreed that when we go......they are coming out for the first six weeks with us........my mum will only settle once she knows where i am...???.....bless..........


Take care.......




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Guest earlswood
Hi Carly and welcome to PIO.............I'm not sure i am the best person to help here......although someone( a sensible grown up) will be along shortly to help............we used an agency....felt better in letting someone know what they were doing be in control......we used australia migration and they have been very good........as for visiting oz.....we have never been either........but.......we are trying to think of the whole experience as a working holiday....!!!.....(hubby working that is......:biglaugh:).........


worrying wether you are doing the right thing will come and go in waves.........one week i can't wait.....the next.......i'm pooping my pants......but i guess that goes with being a parent...!!!!......and being a human being...as for going to Perth...that is where we are heading.....but....this also changes......????......(can even depend on the time of the month....):arghh:


All the best in all of your descisions...........


The fact you have supportive parents is a real blessing...........my parents have all ready agreed that when we go......they are coming out for the first six weeks with us........my mum will only settle once she knows where i am...???.....bless..........


Take care.......





You called:cute: You are around my age and if I had 3 kids :shocked: I would consider Brisbane or sydney..Perth IMO is boring for young people.....wages are not brilliant for artisans over here so you would have to take some part time work to make ends meet to be honest...the old but very nice wrinklies on here will give you all the info you need.

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Guest Lui A xxx
Thanks for your reply Luan, when do you move? do you have any idea what suburb of Perth you want to move to? Are you leaving lots of friends and family behind?


Hope you don't mind me asking.


hi carly......we are hopig our visa's realistically about september.....???.......however like most.....have a house to sell........as soon as it sells.....we are ot of here....!!!.....


i have done soooooooooooo much research on Perth.....but......that is all it is......and until we get there...........i have absolutely know idea....????.......i can not possibly determine where i will spend the next two years by reading alone...... i know some people think we are crazy.......(me thinks they might be right....:biglaugh:).......but what have we got to lose...........(except money and my dream home) ...the only reasons for going to perth are......its the first stop off the plane........we have two (very distant) cousins there........we really are of the opinion that if we like.......we stay.......if not.....we move........and hopefully after two years.......we will have a wonderful experience.......our girls will be still young enough to adapt......but old enough to appreciate the experience........


as for family.......my hubbie and myslf have only ever lived in the smallest rural town all our lives.......we come from HUGE families......(my mum one of ten....hubbies mum one of 13....).....so when i say BIG family.......there are loads of us......... we are sadly leaving them behind.........sometimes i wish my parents would come with us but due to family circumstances......i know this will NEVER be an option......again....my friends are my life.......still best friends with my girls from school....but i know that they will always be my friend wherever i am.....!!!.....


i think the most important thing is that if you stay positive......and appreciate that you can have a wonderful adventure......then you can be happy and you can make it work....however....i will never know how i will feel until i go........i keep telling myself that we are ONLY going for two years........you never know.....i may only last 6 weeks.......but at least we would have tried.....!!!......


Sorry for the waffle.......


OH MY GOD....i think i've just wrote my first sensible post.......oh....................... and earlswood.......who are you kidding......????.........:biglaugh:




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Guest melissa

Hello Carly


You don't have to decide straight away where abouts in Aus you want to go just yet. Take the time to chat to people on here from all the different states. You'll be able to make up your mind eventually.


What you're doing is very brave but will be worth it i'm sure. It does take a long time to get your visa, maybe a year. So you'll have plenty of time to sort things and make up your mind.


We visited Adelaide Last Christmas and have family there. So it is a bit easier for us. And in my unbiased opinion i think you should check South Australia out. The climate is great and housing is a bit cheaper than most other states.


Whatever you decide, i wish you good luck.


All the best



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Guest Sandra,Mike and boys

Hi Carly


If you are just at the stage of getting an agent then you have plenty of time to really look into the different areas that will suit you and your family.

We considered Perth initially but are now going to Brisbane, but its really a case of try it and see, and doing lots and lots of research before hand.

Just noticed you are in Plymouth. We are just down the road from you, have 2 boys, 5 and 3, if you want a meet up some time to chat then let me know. We are off to Perth and Brisbane in 2 weeks but was thinking of doing some kind of Devon meet up- just not been brave enough to post it yet.


Sandra X

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Hi Carly and everyone else


we have never been either but we have decided that we will give it a minimum of 6 months to see how we feel. If after 6 months we feel home sick/depressed/wondering if we've made a mistake we will have a 'holiday' in the UK for 2/3 weeks. We feel the cost would be justified as we have read posts on here where people have come home only to wish they hadn't!


I think if you have been through the whole process (usually, it seems, prompted by being so disillusioned with the UK) in the first place, to go for it without having been (are we mad? Probably!) then it would be terrible to come back lock/stock only to find out it was a bit of homesickness....I know some people find it really hard when they first get there and you won't know til you get there how it will really be for you - but it's worth a try I reckon!! We have a 19 month old daughter and it's for her future we are giving it a go, as we don't see much of a future for her here for all sorts of reasons, so fingers crossed we are lucky enough to love it and stay forever!!!


Good luck, keep us up to date with how it goes for you.:smile:


Dons xxx


p.s we would have a holiday there before if we could but just cannot afford to!

p.p.s We reckon a holiday back in Dudley would soon have us back on that plane, family reunion or not! Sorry family! It's a bit easier for us in that we mainly keep in touch with family by email/phone anyway as we are all spread out over the UK.

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Hi Sandra


Have you been to both to visit? I do worry lots about making the right decision but I think its more down to being a parent that I worry as I dont want to unsettle my boys, I would love to come to a Devon meet up. How long have you been planning your trip? The agent I spoke to today said we would have our visas in 5 months if we started now. Do you have hotmail? I can PM my details. If you dont mind me asking how come you decided Brisbane?

Thanks for your reply

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Guest Sandra,Mike and boys

Hi Carly


Never been before. When we booked our trip we were considering both Perth and Brisbane. Now decided on Brissy but looking forward to visiting Perth.

I know what you mean re unsettling the boys, I have really been worrying for my 5 yr old as I know he will adjust, but he is so happy here!!!!

Anyway, will PM you my details.

Sandra X

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Hi Dons

Thanks for your reply, thats the same reason we have not had a holiday as its to much money just for a holiday. Where abouts are you going? Do you work? I am not working at the moment but plan to get a part time job once I am there. Still considering different places to go. I was quite set on Perth but Brisbane seems to be a hot favourite aswell...Do you have MSN? be great to chat sometime. Take Care. X x

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Guest earlswood
hi carly......we are hopig our visa's realistically about september.....???.......however like most.....have a house to sell........as soon as it sells.....we are ot of here....!!!.....


i have done soooooooooooo much research on Perth.....but......that is all it is......and until we get there...........i have absolutely know idea....????.......i can not possibly determine where i will spend the next two years by reading alone...... i know some people think we are crazy.......(me thinks they might be right....:biglaugh:).......but what have we got to lose...........(except money and my dream home) ...the only reasons for going to perth are......its the first stop off the plane........we have two (very distant) cousins there........we really are of the opinion that if we like.......we stay.......if not.....we move........and hopefully after two years.......we will have a wonderful experience.......our girls will be still young enough to adapt......but old enough to appreciate the experience........


as for family.......my hubbie and myslf have only ever lived in the smallest rural town all our lives.......we come from HUGE families......(my mum one of ten....hubbies mum one of 13....).....so when i say BIG family.......there are loads of us......... we are sadly leaving them behind.........sometimes i wish my parents would come with us but due to family circumstances......i know this will NEVER be an option......again....my friends are my life.......still best friends with my girls from school....but i know that they will always be my friend wherever i am.....!!!.....


i think the most important thing is that if you stay positive......and appreciate that you can have a wonderful adventure......then you can be happy and you can make it work....however....i will never know how i will feel until i go........i keep telling myself that we are ONLY going for two years........you never know.....i may only last 6 weeks.......but at least we would have tried.....!!!......


Sorry for the waffle.......


OH MY GOD....i think i've just wrote my first sensible post.......oh....................... and earlswood.......who are you kidding......????.........:biglaugh:




What a great post:notworthy: Cant you do a reccie on your own first Lui...I would show you around the more unusual parts of Perth:smile:

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Guest psmdwaiting
Hi Carly


Never been before. When we booked our trip we were considering both Perth and Brisbane. Now decided on Brissy but looking forward to visiting Perth.

I know what you mean re unsettling the boys, I have really been worrying for my 5 yr old as I know he will adjust, but he is so happy here!!!!

Anyway, will PM you my details.

Sandra X



Hi Sandra, will you let me know when you get round to organising a Devon meet up! We shall be there!! Cheers! :yes:

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Guest Lui A xxx
What a great post:notworthy: Cant you do a reccie on your own first Lui...I would show you around the more unusual parts of Perth:smile:


Sounds good to me.......how unusual is unusual........????..........:err:...........???


Does this mean i can call you EARLS....????.....



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Guest Sandra,Mike and boys
Hi Sandra, will you let me know when you get round to organising a Devon meet up! We shall be there!! Cheers! :yes:

Ok, decided to take the plunge, will post something in a mo and see what response we get....................

Calling all, Devonians, Cornish etc etc!!!!!!



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Guest Cherrylips

Hi All

This is exactly how I feel. I am so glad I found this site and it seems I'm not the only one who cold feet then desperate wanna get there now feet. Moving to Perth one week then Brisbane the next...

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Hi Dons

Thanks for your reply, thats the same reason we have not had a holiday as its to much money just for a holiday. Where abouts are you going? Do you work? I am not working at the moment but plan to get a part time job once I am there. Still considering different places to go. I was quite set on Perth but Brisbane seems to be a hot favourite aswell...Do you have MSN? be great to chat sometime. Take Care. X x


Hi Carly


we are hoping to go to Melbourne or Sydney depending on where the work is for hubby, he's a web developer :GEEK: and apparantly that's where the work is, so we hear! I'm a stay at home mummy at the moment, childcare so expensive you have to be earning a good wage for it to be worth it! When my daughter is at nursery or school I want to get back into part time work, but hoping to retrain as a sign language interpreter for a complete change of direction from anything I've done in the past! Brisbane would probably be a bit too humid for my liking all year I think........but you never know - if we got a ticket tomorrow only to Brisbane there'd be no stopping us!!


I think it would be great for your boys, they're at perfect ages to not know much different and I'm looking forward to making friends with other mums out there - it's easier to make friends when you have children I think...cos you have to get yourselves out there for them. (I'd be too shy on my own and stay indoors all the time if not for my daughter!) It would be harder to uproot them when they get to teenage years but at least you have a few years before that! I don't have MSN at the mo, don't get much chance in the days (daughter trys to say 'all gone' if I even look at the laptop in the daytime!), but will pm my email address so we can keep in touch.


Bye for now, Dons


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Guest earlswood
Sounds good to me.......how unusual is unusual........????..........:err:...........???


Does this mean i can call you EARLS....????.....



Working in a bar a few nights a week (been up all night tonight and this morning) I have got to know some weird friends who have shown me the "real" Perth that not many immigrants ever see....it's an eye opener.:smile:

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I was quite set on Perth but Brisbane seems a great family place aswell, I really have no idea. Lots of research is needed as I cant afford a holiday there, I am just going to go for it. I think having children definately helps you meet people, its gets you out there talking to people.

I am really pleased I have found this site because there are so many people out there like me, and I can see it doesnt work out for everyone but its about giving it a go and not wishing I did try my whole life. It is also giving me the chance to make friends with some people before I even get over there. Its brilliant...Thanks everyone for your replies, I feel so much better already...

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