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nomination question - can i import to our immi account please help....................


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Hi hoping someone can answer!!


our nomination for ENS186 (TRT) has been lodged since August, we still havent heard whether it has been approved but we now have to lodge our visa application as our 457 ends in 7 days :wideeyed::wideeyed:



So we have done the visa application on our immi account and used the TRN number for the nomination application is this correct? Will this then get matched with the nomination?


Also we have all the details for the nomination (we have acknowledgement letter for application from my husbands employer)...... are we able to import this application to our immi account so we can monitor it ourselves????


If we are able to import the application are you able to see the details, or only the status of the application??


I know we cannot alter the application or speak with immigration about it so it feels like we are completely int he dark at times....


Many Thnaks please any answers wouldbe great i am havign minor panic attacks ........

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Yes, you include the nomination TRN in your application so the system then links your application to that nomination.


I would not suggest you import the nomination to your ImmiAccount. You are not the applicant for that step of the process, and unless your employer has specifically told you it's ok to do so, I think it's not right to import it. It wouldn't tell you anything anyway, simply says "Application in process".

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