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Parent Visa


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I would like to join my Family in Australia.

In Perth I have a Sister, Brother in Law and Nephew he is a Policeman.

In Adelaide I have a Daughter and Son in Law.

In Brisbane I have a Daughter, Son in Law and two Australian Grandsons.

I am 70 years old in March and I understand I will have to pay as an aged Parent.

I still work and stay very fit go to the Gym every day.

Sponsorship is not a problem, we have lots of choice.

My Wife is only 52 years old and not their mother, so not an aged Parent.


So which Visas do we apply for and how much will it cost for both of us to emigrate .

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As has been mentioned do you have other children and does your wife have children. You will need to pass the balance of family test which means you will need to have at least 50% of your children PR in Oz. This includes step children so your wife's children if she has any will be included in the numbers

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Sounds like you pass the BoF test then. There are two basic streams for parents - contributory and non-contributory, and then there are aged and "normal" versions within each.


Non-contributory visas cost $3870 + $1935 (primary and secondary applicant) plus costs for medicals, police checks, etc. Although reasonably inexpensive in immigration terms, the processing time is at least 10 years (DIBP says 30 years on their website).


Contributory visas are much faster, taking approx. 2 years to process, but you pay for this speedy turnaround. Literally. The contributory visa costs approx. $50,000 per applicant (that's not a typo).

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