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India is top of Australia's new arrivals

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

The traditional source countries of migrants for Australia are the United Kingdom and New Zealand however, the falling trend in migration coupled with low birth rates in these two countries have resulted in the population growth rate in Australia to fall to its lowest level in ten years.


The population of this country, despite the fact that it has the 3rd highest rate population growth among the advanced economies in 2015, actually grew a lot more slowly compared to how it was for a span of almost a decade. This, according to data provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.


The population of Australia grew by just 1.35 per cent, and the last time that its growth was that slow was back in 2006. This means that it’s seeing the end of a nine-year period of a strong growth in population.


One of the main reasons for this kind of fall in population growth, is the sizeable drop in its natural increase, for example births minus deaths. The natural increase was just one hundred forty two thousand nine hundred, compared with a level of one hundred sixty two thousand seven hundred which was observed just a few years ago.


And because there is also a slowing down in the economy of Australia, there is also a slowing down of overseas migration. This has largely been because of a fall in migrant flows from countries such as the United Kingdom and New Zealand which have, in fact, been the main source of countries for migrants in Australia historically.


What emerged as the dominant source of immigrants in Australia is India with thirty four thousand eight hundred seventy four people moving in the country during the program year period 2014 – 2015, followed by China with twenty seven thousand eight hundred seventy two people. Third is the United Kingdom with twenty one thousand seventy eight.


The number of people immigrating in the migration program of Australia overall has remained steady since 2012 – 2013, around the same time the planned immigration level was set at one hundred ninety thousand, the level which has not changed since that time.


So the big question is, where are these migrants settling? The answer is Victoria. Since the start of 2014, the state has been the place to be, seeing that it has the highest population growth compared to all the other Australian states, which is something that has not happened in the past thirty five years.

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