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Getting a VISA with a Skin Cancer - please help :)


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we have enough points to get a vISA and after 3 years of thinking about it and saving.. We're pretty much ready to go! BUT recently at the doctors, she found a little red mark on my shoulder. It could be a BCC - Basil cell carcinoma. A skill cancer that does not spread but just needs to be chopped off.


The doc thinks its likely to be a BCC and I'm awaiting my appointment.


Has anyone recently had any experiences with this?


All we want to do is get applying and start our awesome new life in Manly, Brisbane but this is hanging over us :-(


Should i get diagnosed, i will not need chemo or radiotherapy just a simple incision.


Can anyone share recent, relevant info?


Thank you


Sam :-)

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Hi I wouldn't get too concerned from a Visa perspective. Any medicals etc. are really interested in any long term costs that Medicare would need to cover. Something like that isn't an indication on long term expenses.


I got my visa, even though I suffer from depression, and require routine medication, its not a high cost for them, so they weren't concerned.


Hope this helps



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At the medical, the Doc will ask you for some past and also recent medical history.


When the subject of your BCC comes up, he'll give you a letter to instruct your medical practitioners to provide further supporting info within 28 days.


My supporting info was only 2 or 3 sentences, along the lines of;


Mr. X presented with this symptom, it was diagnosed as xxxxx, it was treated in the following way xxxxxxx, and he is now considered free of the symptom and is being periodically monitored.



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