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Shredded paper in dog crates and out of hours collection


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Arghhh...decisions, decisions...I'm having a dilemma with choosing a pet export provider. I've got one company who come out cheaper but who use shredded paper in their crates and fly with Emirates vs another who uses a proper pet blanket but are coming in at £400 more expensive, partly due to the fact that due to the flight arrival time with Qantas means Oz quarantine will charge $500 to collect out of hours but won't use Emirates due to the routing.


My pooch is only a wee little fella and a flat nose breed to boot so it just concerns me that using shredded paper may make him sneeze a lot and may not be as comfortable.


Has anyone had any feedback on use of paper and also do these companies flex on their costs at all?





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I think its good your thinking about these things.


i would imagine they use shredded paper because its more disposable. Taking the airline route into consideration was what we did.


who wants there furbabies stuck in some crate on a stopover for hours in blistering heat!!


When we shipped our dogs over, we were able to put blankets and toys they had since being pups, also with our scents on them in the crate

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I'd go route and comfort for dog over cost if it were me. But then £400 is a fair chunk of change so I can understand that it may make the difference.


I see you are moving to Adelaide. Keep in mind that it does get stinking hot here. Currently its 35C and due to hit almost 40C tomorrow. If the overnight temp drops its usually to the low-mid 20s in the hot spells and that makes things like walks for certain dogs hard going on them. As does the heat overall. Ours is a JRT and lives in the house and loves the sun but even he prefers to be inside and we only walk him early in the morning and late in the evening when its this hot. I'd not venture out for a dog walk after 9am ish if its anything like this morning and already hitting 25C.

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When shipping pets we find it far better for pets to have in their crate a super absorbent puppy pad and then a layer of vet bedding placed on top. These two items combined makes the bedding super absorbent should the animals have a wee in their crates. The bedding that PetAir UK use is designed to leave dogs and cats on a dry bed whilst any wetness lays dormant underneath the pet - meaning they are kept nice and dry throughout the journey.


With regards to the airline routing Emirates will only transport animals that fall into the snubbed nosed category during certain months of the year (October - April) when the temperatures are cooler. The pets must also travel in a container 1 size bigger and with a signed indemnity.

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