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Greetings from New South Wales

Guest choobs

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Wooooaaah! And you thought the visa application process was a rollercoaster? We've spent the last three days alternating between "this is great" and "oh god what have we done".


Everything people are saying about being out of your comfort zone - pay attention - Australia is a VERY DIFFERENT place from the UK.


This morning, however, I was woken up by the bloody kookaburra that lives in the trees in the garden (again) at 5am. Got up, showered and popped out to the yard. Took a deep breath of deeply scented air (there's a very slight warm rain here just now), watched half a dozen kangaroos bouncing through the bottom of the garden (they actually come up and peer in the windows), and listened to the cicadas and assorted other noisy things.


This is the best place on earth. Having said that, it's only reached 29 degrees so far - ask me again when it's 35 :)


Our flights went very well - Cathay Pacific. An hour from Edinburgh to Heathrow, a two hour stop there, eleven hours to Hong Kong and a mad dash to the connecting flight then nine hours to Sydney. It's a long way, but there's plenty to do on the flights. Our kids loved every second - they were given good bags, there was good programmes scheduled on the entertainment system, and there was enough room for them to curl up and have a sleep.


The food was quite surprising on CP - they had a fantastic beef ghoulash. Overall, the hot meals were ok - not great but much better than BA. It wasn't particularly child friendly food, though. It was made up for by variety, though - if you didn't like the main dish, you could make do with the big pile of fresh fruit, bread, salad and cheesecakes that came with it.


Anyhoo - that's a bit of a ramble - I'm posting to http://www.nelefa.org more or less daily just now, so feel free to look.


Ohh! It's just started thundering!


Choobs and Daisydeeds

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Guest scott&lisa

Good to hear you all arrived safe and well!

It sounds lovely where you are :D

We have been here two months and the "what have we done" question still pops up every now and then - but I know we have made the right choice.

Enjoy every moment of your new life :D 8)


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Hi Choobs/Daisydeeds and family


Glad that you all arrived safely and nice to hear your posting so soon.

Take care and goooooooood luck :D



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I was woken up by the bloody kookaburra that lives in the trees in the garden


:lol: Wait until he brings the rest of his family and they all laugh at once :roll: having said this, they're still my favourite birds.


I hope you continue to enjoy your new adventures, and love Aus as much as I do.



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Excellent to hear you're safely there and already getting the full wildlife experience. Will be following your posts and blog with huge interest!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest kermit

I still ask 'what have I done' but after a cold beer looking out over the city on a warm night..thinking how cold and wet the UK is...I get over it very quickly....and now the sydney summer festival is in full swing...bring it on....Australia really is a magical place.







Wooooaaah! And you thought the visa application process was a rollercoaster? We've spent the last three days alternating between "this is great" and "oh god what have we done".


Everything people are saying about being out of your comfort zone - pay attention - Australia is a VERY DIFFERENT place from the UK.


This morning, however, I was woken up by the bloody kookaburra that lives in the trees in the garden (again) at 5am. Got up, showered and popped out to the yard. Took a deep breath of deeply scented air (there's a very slight warm rain here just now), watched half a dozen kangaroos bouncing through the bottom of the garden (they actually come up and peer in the windows), and listened to the cicadas and assorted other noisy things.


This is the best place on earth. Having said that, it's only reached 29 degrees so far - ask me again when it's 35 :)


Our flights went very well - Cathay Pacific. An hour from Edinburgh to Heathrow, a two hour stop there, eleven hours to Hong Kong and a mad dash to the connecting flight then nine hours to Sydney. It's a long way, but there's plenty to do on the flights. Our kids loved every second - they were given good bags, there was good programmes scheduled on the entertainment system, and there was enough room for them to curl up and have a sleep.


The food was quite surprising on CP - they had a fantastic beef ghoulash. Overall, the hot meals were ok - not great but much better than BA. It wasn't particularly child friendly food, though. It was made up for by variety, though - if you didn't like the main dish, you could make do with the big pile of fresh fruit, bread, salad and cheesecakes that came with it.


Anyhoo - that's a bit of a ramble - I'm posting to http://www.nelefa.org more or less daily just now, so feel free to look.


Ohh! It's just started thundering!


Choobs and Daisydeeds

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  • 2 years later...
Guest penguin89

hi glad you like oz. my family and i came over last september, we are living in kingscliff, northern rivers new south wales. you will love the summer if you like the sun we took a trip to murwillumbah, just inland and the temperature was ONLY 44oc lol great!

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