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how easy is it to get a rental in the Mandurah area?

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Hi this is a loaded question - how do you go about this if you have no family and no one to provide a reference?


Also i can see from various web sites that open days are held do you have to go to these and make a bid or can you just deal with the estate agent?


The thing is we will be giving ourselves a two week window to find some where before I start work so am wondering how much of task this is actually going to prove to be we are not looking for a castle!


hope someone can advise me:spinny:

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Andy and Tracy


I am currently researching short term rentals in Mandurah and wondered how you had got on and if you were there yet?!


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Hi yes we got here, we stayed with friends and fully expected it to take a while however we got a really nice rental within a week in Secret Harbour about 15-20 mins from Mandurah. To be honest there are so many houses going up all over the place and some are owned by Ozzies who live in other states as an investment. We were shown two really really awful ones by one estate agent who thought we obviously didnt know a good thing when we saw it ie covered in mould and unpinted etc however we found the local free paper was the most useful in our hunt and every one else was really helpful. There are some nice places close to Mandurah such as secret harbour which has a good supermarket and shops etc within easy reach but is still very quiet. Meadow springs is also developing and lakelands too all of which are between secret harbour and mandurah. on the other side between us and rockingham there is Fort Kennedy and warnboro but these are more estalished and less new and seem to have more probs with graffitti. on the other side of Mandurah is Port Bouvard and Falcon which are soo nice and soooo expensive lol. I would be careful about signing up to anything before you got here as you really need to see the area there are some really nice areas in Mandurah and some really cheesy areas just like in the uk. Where ever you go you are only 10 mins or so from the beach or water!

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