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Before we decided to stay for citizenship I looked at this visa too. It would have been a way to move back home (after 2 years instead of 4 for citizenship) and still keeping the door open should we need it.


My migration agent told me that providing we had lived in Australia for 2 years out of the last 5 years without more than a 90 day absence from australia we would be eligible for an RRV.


If we had gone home after 2 years here we would have still had another 3 years on our PR, then once that expired we could apply for an RRV which is valid for 5 years.


We wasnt told we had to be in Aus to apply.


Basically we could have gone home after 2 years and had 8 years (remaining 3 of PR plus 5 of RRV) to return had we wanted.


I personally cant see us returning to live and the only reason we want to get citizenship is for our boys really and IF they moved back when they are older we could follow easy enough...all a lot of IF's and sometimes i question whether its worth staying here for 4 years (unsettled and thinking of home daily) to get something (citizenship) we probably wont even use......but it would only take us to need it x years down the line and I would kick myself for not getting it.


Rambled on a bit but things kept coming to me as i typed!

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Before we decided to stay for citizenship I looked at this visa too. It would have been a way to move back home (after 2 years instead of 4 for citizenship) and still keeping the door open should we need it.


My migration agent told me that providing we had lived in Australia for 2 years out of the last 5 years without more than a 90 day absence from australia we would be eligible for an RRV.


If we had gone home after 2 years here we would have still had another 3 years on our PR, then once that expired we could apply for an RRV which is valid for 5 years.


We wasnt told we had to be in Aus to apply.


Basically we could have gone home after 2 years and had 8 years (remaining 3 of PR plus 5 of RRV) to return had we wanted.


I personally cant see us returning to live and the only reason we want to get citizenship is for our boys really and IF they moved back when they are older we could follow easy enough...all a lot of IF's and sometimes i question whether its worth staying here for 4 years (unsettled and thinking of home daily) to get something (citizenship) we probably wont even use......but it would only take us to need it x years down the line and I would kick myself for not getting it.


Rambled on a bit but things kept coming to me as i typed!


For what it's worth I think you are doing it the best way, the longer term potential (possible ) gain for some short term pain in my eyes are worth it as we never really know what the future holds for us at least you are giving yourself, and family, some decent viable options. Our own plan was similar but then we only had two years to wait for citizenship so the pain would have been shorter lived, however life worked out good for us here, though Linda would have and still would go back at the drop of a hat but would still be torn between both as children in each country.

I wish you well.


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For what it's worth I think you are doing it the best way, the longer term potential (possible ) gain for some short term pain in my eyes are worth it as we never really know what the future holds for us at least you are giving yourself, and family, some decent viable options. Our own plan was similar but then we only had two years to wait for citizenship so the pain would have been shorter lived, however life worked out good for us here, though Linda would have and still would go back at the drop of a hat but would still be torn between both as children in each country.

I wish you well.



Thanks Keith,


Being torn between both children is another "if' in our case too. Not only might we only use the citizenship "if' our children decided to move back here but then what "if' only one came, wouldnt be fair for us to follow one to Aus and leave one back home.


We were either 'lets do 2 years and go' or if we arent going to go after 2 years 'lets get citizenship.


We are going back for a family wedding/holiday in June and that will be our 3 year mark so if when we return from that we still want to move home well then we only have to do 1 more year and after only just seeing the family and having lots to sort out i think the last year would be do-able.

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Just selfishly wattsy1982, why are you staying for your children? If it was me, I'd be thinking that if none of you have Aussie citizenship then it would be harder for one of your children to move back here and therefore less likely to do it. Then maybe you'd all get to stay in the UK as a family :)

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Just selfishly wattsy1982, why are you staying for your children? If it was me, I'd be thinking that if none of you have Aussie citizenship then it would be harder for one of your children to move back here and therefore less likely to do it. Then maybe you'd all get to stay in the UK as a family :)


Ha, again, thought this many times too....dont know really, just want to give them as many opportunites as possible I guess. Never know what things will be like in the UK in the future and it gives them another option. Plus from our experience of getting and paying for visas this would bypass that should they want to try it...all what ifs though for sure.


Then on the flip side I think we managed it without citizenship from our parents so I guess if they wanted it they would have to be on the SOL etc..




The fact we are past the 2 year mark and our holiday is already booked for next year i think coming back for that extra year is the sensible thing to do....wont be easy though but there are others worse of in the world than us.

@movingback, are you/have you moved back?

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I am moving back in the new year. Just applying for citizenship now. I'm single though and have a flexible job so may well be back for a few winters in my older years. Excited to get back home and get established after 4 years though :)


Yes I bet, no place like home! Good Luck

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Before we decided to stay for citizenship I looked at this visa too. It would have been a way to move back home (after 2 years instead of 4 for citizenship) and still keeping the door open should we need it.


My migration agent told me that providing we had lived in Australia for 2 years out of the last 5 years without more than a 90 day absence from australia we would be eligible for an RRV.


If we had gone home after 2 years here we would have still had another 3 years on our PR, then once that expired we could apply for an RRV which is valid for 5 years.


We wasnt told we had to be in Aus to apply.


Basically we could have gone home after 2 years and had 8 years (remaining 3 of PR plus 5 of RRV) to return had we wanted.


I personally cant see us returning to live and the only reason we want to get citizenship is for our boys really and IF they moved back when they are older we could follow easy enough...all a lot of IF's and sometimes i question whether its worth staying here for 4 years (unsettled and thinking of home daily) to get something (citizenship) we probably wont even use......but it would only take us to need it x years down the line and I would kick myself for not getting it.


Rambled on a bit but things kept coming to me as i typed!


mate, that sounds exactly like my predicament. But I think I want a year back at least to see what's going on.


Getting the passport would be ideal I know, but there's things going on in scotland that Id like to be a part of


so so you reckon I'd have 8 years? Another 3 + the 5 year RRV?

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This is great comments by everyone.


Connecting with each one massively. Refreshing to read.


I will have been here on a PR for 2years cone this January.


I am swinging towards going back to scotland around March.


Im in Perth and struggling with work a bit. Always getting but never lasting. But fed up of chopping and changing.

bit bored here also. I play football here, captain the side actually, but that's not enough. Ma lots happened over the last year and things have changed both here and in scotland.


Id love to get my citizenship - I really would for all the reasons stated by yourselves.


I could go over East, I have friends there, but I feel like I can't be bothered at times- like Id rather just go home.


I dunno


planning on the stone roses gig in June. I suppose if I went back for that then came back id only have s year and a half to go - adding in the few months wait for citizenship.


Blabbing on !

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mate, that sounds exactly like my predicament. But I think I want a year back at least to see what's going on.


Getting the passport would be ideal I know, but there's things going on in scotland that Id like to be a part of


so so you reckon I'd have 8 years? Another 3 + the 5 year RRV?


Thats how i understood it.


Check with a registered migration agent though, these rules etc are always changing and id hate for you to be misinformed.


For us we are planning a permanent move back so needing to return in 8 years (max) would only prolong the issue. For us I think sticking it another 2 years now is best.


Good luck with whatever you do.



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@ Wattsy1982 - you have to attend the ceremony. I checked in to this. I've just done my test and they've told me its a 3-4 month wait in Sydney. Depends on the council though.


and once the ceremony is done do you have to wait to get your aus passport? I think i read somewhere that once you are a citizen you have to exit aus on your aus passport?

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and once the ceremony is done do you have to wait to get your aus passport? I think i read somewhere that once you are a citizen you have to exit aus on your aus passport?


Once you have citizenship you have to leave Australia on an Australian passport, which you can apply for as soon as you have your citizenship certificate, which is issued to you at the ceremony. Should you need a passport in a hurry, there is an express 24 hour service you can access.

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mate, that sounds exactly like my predicament. But I think I want a year back at least to see what's going on.


Getting the passport would be ideal I know, but there's things going on in scotland that Id like to be a part of


so so you reckon I'd have 8 years? Another 3 + the 5 year RRV?

I doiubt after leaving for 3 years that you would get a 5 year RRV, maybe a 1 year one
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im hoping to apply, get test/pass test, have ceremony and get passport in 4 1/2 months...maybe a bit ambitious.


You might be lucky, but it is a bit ambitious. The problem will be waiting for the citizenship ceremony as some councils only have a few during the year. I think there is a mechanism in the system whereby you can ask for a speedy ceremony because you have to leave Australia for some special reason..... you might want to look into that.

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You might be lucky, but it is a bit ambitious. The problem will be waiting for the citizenship ceremony as some councils only have a few during the year. I think there is a mechanism in the system whereby you can ask for a speedy ceremony because you have to leave Australia for some special reason..... you might want to look into that.


I wonder if wanting to be home in time for a proper xmas would count as a 'special reason' :wink:

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