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Bali XMAS / NY

Alix Fisher

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Just wondering if anyone has been to Bali, I'm going to Kuta and Gili T over Christmas and New Year. Fancied a holiday out of Sydney since accommodation for a week was as much as my flight!![emoji574]️ Anyone got any "must dos/sees"... Can't wait!! 49 days![emoji295]️[emoji295]️

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Latching on to this post as never been to Bali and want to go - but scared of it being party central (I know lots of people like this!) - Any quieter pretty beaches/places people could recommend??


There are supposed to be some really nice areas, away from the drinking and party town areas - but have no idea what they are called... Like anywhere, I guess there are the lively areas and the more sedate. Will try to find out the sedate ones and let you know!

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Just wondering if anyone has been to Bali


Yes many years ago. But not my favourite place. It was a bit like India with people hassling you ALL the time to buy stuff. Very annoying.


Away from the tourist areas, the quieter beaches, countryside, rice terraces and little temples were lovely.


The party central tourist areas were not - think Ibiza but worse.






If you hire a motorcycle for gawds sake make sure you have good medical insurance in place. Roads terrible. Crashes frequent. Medical care lacking.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello! Still new here and I don't know if my input is still going to be helpful. Also went to Bali two years ago and I appreciated the quiet side of the area and the nature. But once vendors see you, It'll be difficult to keep them away from you. I remember walking away in the least noticeable way possible once I saw sellers carrying pearl necklaces and other items.


But if you're more into adventure and stuff, I think this site has a good list of things to do in Bali



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