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Passed my IELTS!


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Passed my IELTS - 2nd time thankfully! Let the process begin! Such a relief! Yay


speaking -9.0

writing 7.5

reading 8.5

Listening 8.5

overall 8.5


would have like 8.0 or above across the board for the extra visa points but I'm not being greedy!



That's pretty high mark. Which country are you from?

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  • 2 months later...

Hmm, interesting that they didn't give you an 8 in writing either. Same story here, 8.5+ in everything else. I have just 'failed' my 6th attempt, but of course they know I need an 8 across the board in order to get the points I need. And you've got no chance of getting any constructive feedback from them. I'm in Brisbane & it seems that people fair better when taking the test in the UK. Just a total rip off and extremely degrading.

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Hmm, interesting that they didn't give you an 8 in writing either. Same story here, 8.5+ in everything else. I have just 'failed' my 6th attempt, but of course they know I need an 8 across the board in order to get the points I need. And you've got no chance of getting any constructive feedback from them. I'm in Brisbane & it seems that people fair better when taking the test in the UK. Just a total rip off and extremely degrading.


What do you need the test for, skills assessment or points? If you need it for points can you switch to PTE-A? I got 9's in reading, listening and speaking on both sittings of IELTS but only got 7 and 7.5 in writing, I switched to PTE-A and got 90 and 86 in writing then, 2 sittings as I messed the speaking element up on my first go.

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Haha, now that's an interesting one. I had 2 attempts at the Pearson with a slightly different story. Flying colours in all bar the spoken (72 + 74), ... which is again, subjective marking. No problems in the IELTS face-to-face spoken though. Funny eh. Came to the conclusion that there's obviously a very special way in describing a bar graph that was never taught to me in 44 years as a native Englishman.


In answer to your question though, I need points for residency. Without this test, I'm basically stuffed. The whole thing is a joke. If only the UK had the same approach, eh? Why are we penalising our own kind though, and vice versa? I just don't get it.


So you eventually made it then?

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Haha, now that's an interesting one. I had 2 attempts at the Pearson with a slightly different story. Flying colours in all bar the spoken (72 + 74), ... which is again, subjective marking. No problems in the IELTS face-to-face spoken though. Funny eh. Came to the conclusion that there's obviously a very special way in describing a bar graph that was never taught to me in 44 years as a native Englishman.


In answer to your question though, I need points for residency. Without this test, I'm basically stuffed. The whole thing is a joke. If only the UK had the same approach, eh? Why are we penalising our own kind though, and vice versa? I just don't get it.


So you eventually made it then?


Yeah my first PTE-A I got less than 70 in the speaking!! Not sure what was different when I got the 90 as I didn't really change much, and to be honest I actually thought I did worse than the previous attempt!


The Australian approach means everyone has to jump through the same hoops regardless, which I think is a much better approach than the UK. Yes some of the hoops are stupid and seem to be generating cash but you have to draw the line somewhere, and to be fair a UK passport does not always mean you speak good English!


Yes I got the points needed, all is sorted now and just got to get through 5 months in work here before moving!

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Oh well, good luck with it. I can tell you for nothing that the sun is shining & pool glinting, although not my idea of Christmas particularly. Fair to say Im pretty bitter at this whole rigmarole and will take my skills elsewhere soon.


They actually changed the number of accountants they let in each year drastically in July which I had not accounted for, hence I needed a higher score and it took me until now to get my invite. My partner is a nurse but being dyslexic she only got 6 when she sat IELTS, otherwise we could have got an invite a while ago.


Hopefully you can get past it!

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and to be fair a UK passport does not always mean you speak good English!


I've often thought the same thing regarding the exemption for Canadian passport holders. Given the fact that Canada is officially bilingual, a Canadian passport doesn't mean that you speak any English at all.

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