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Don’t despair - hope for Sydney rents yet!

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If you thought finding a rental in Australia was tough, take a look at what the Brits are paying to live in.


A tiny studio apartment in London’s Knightsbridge measuring around eight square-metres has been listed for rent at nearly $850 per week.


In 2012 when he first sold the property Mr Fine (real estate agent) said it was the smallest in London he has seen and he was able to....... “stand in the middle of the room and touch the walls”.




London has been ranked the third most expensive city in the world to buy property by agency Knight Frank, beaten only by Hong Kong and Monaco in terms of dollars for space.


1) Monaco


2) Hong Kong


3) London


4) New York


5) Singapore


6) Geneva


7) Sydney


8) Shanghai


9) Paris


10) Los Angeles

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Yes, London rents are bad, but then I would expect rents in most major cities to be dearer than Sydney. Sydney is still a young city with plenty of scope to increase density, whereas those other cities are chock-a-block!


Having said that, I must say I've been surprised at the level of rents in the South of England. From my internet searches, I expected I would be paying far less than in Sydney, but in fact most places are much closer to Sydney rents. The reason, I'm told, is the double demand (from London commuters moving further and further out, and holidaymakers). In Bournemouth and Southampton you have students, too.

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Obscene would be an adequate response to the rents being charged. Sydney is unaffordable for most. Hong Kongers are up in arms about Mainland Chinese buying up HK property. New York and London and both major financial hubs and first tier world cities. Monaco has always been a rich mans play pen. Geneve is very expensive but folk live outside in cheaper villagers and commute.



Sydney is just plan over priced along with Vancouver and unaffordable. Yields are hardly a good return for the overpriced places. Not a good look.

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Sydney is just plan over priced along with Vancouver and unaffordable. Yields are hardly a good return for the overpriced places. Not a good look.


Pretty much everywhere is overpriced rent wise; not just Sydney.


And the variations in prices are amazing I reckon. I pay $300 a week and my next door neighbour pays $1200 a week.

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the double demand (from London commuters moving further and further out, and holidaymakers).


This was becoming a problem even when I lived in London and surrounds back in 1989.


And that is when I first learned about the long commute. I remember being shocked that people were living further out and traveling two hours plus into London each day for their jobs.

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I am moving to the Central Coast next week. More of a commute to my job in Chatswood (might see if I can get a job transfer to Hornsby). Because cheaper rent for a better house. New house has built in wardrobes, en-suite bathrooms, a garden, view and swimming pool. You would pay over $1000 rent a week for all that in Sydney.

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