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can we emigrate with a police caution??


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hello everyone...new to this game so please bare with me...:smile: my husband has a police caution for growing cannabis...before you all judge please hear me out...:embarrassed: it was 2 plants and it was for pain relief...not profit. we want to emigrate to Australia after recently holidaying there for 3weeks, the place just felt like home, we absolutely loved it! my husband is a self employed painter and decorator, and very successful in his business, earning a good living. I am a chef by trade. we spoke to numerous tradesmen, all of whom were encouraging, regarding my husbands trade, saying that there is plenty of work available. we have a property that we are willing to sell to make the move and have adequate savings should we not be able to find work immediately. basically...I am asking if there is any point in applying for a visa with this caution, it is quite recent!

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Hi, As I'm sure your aware, the visa fee is expensive & non refundable if they do not grant you a visa, so I would strongly advise you to contact a Registered Migration agent to see what they think about this. Whilst they can only advise & cannot promise you entry into Oz.... at least it is advice from someone who is used to seeing lots of differing applications.

Good luck!

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I would have to second the advice to contact with a registered migration agent on this one.


It is most likely not a bar to migration, but as it is a recent offence and it involves drugs it is likely not be looked upon favourably. In order to mitigate this, good advice from a good registered agent is essential.

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