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Having doubts - like many have I'm sure!


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New to forum but have been a lurker for months.


I have received a sponsored job offer in Sydney, am going through a 457 process, have a wife and a dog who will be coming with us.


I am self employed but the role I have been offered is actually less then I can earn in the UK if fully employed and my wife is a nursing auxiliary who hopefully would eventually find something similar in Oz. My wife is fantastic in that she is happy to go anywhere within reason and we were originally looking at this as an opportunity to try Oz and see if we liked it - even though it would be a very expensive gamble given move costs, upheaval and all the other emotional issues.


NOW...................I'm having doubts about whether we should take the gamble. We're late 40's, and whilst do not live with a grass is greener mindset - am thinking if the thoughts about what we'll miss - family/friends, real ale, country walks/pubs, access to Europe, music festivals, and the variety of countryside within such a small and accessible area (UK compared to Oz) - is reason enough to save our money and just be happy with what we have here and know. I am also concerned with the cost of living in Oz and the potential of an economic downturn but that could apply here in due course I guess.


This is a decision that my wife and I will make pretty soon and obviously one we will consider carefully so whilst I am not looking for any do it / don't do it advice (although I'm happy to receive it) I am asking if anyone else had these concerns well in advance of moving and how they felt after the move if they did indeed decide to do it.


Thanks for reading.



Yes have had all these thoughts, I worked in Aus for 3 years and then returned to the UK, I have since then returned to Aus! (This is over a 6 year period)

I am here now but I still hold doubts, I don't think I will ever truly have peace of mind, having said that I am happy to have just made the decision and not to be living in limbo anymore.

I still miss the UK culture, countryside, shopping, history and of course family and friends, but Australia has also provided other comforts for me, it's basically just swings and roundabouts in a lot of ways. I personally don't see how one place exceeds the other, for me it's just different.

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I would not sell your house in UK ! Ya in ya late 40s on a 457 ! Not unless ya absolutely loaded would I ! My mates just gone back no house because they sold it and now carny get another mortgage !



They here and give up their home with 4 kids for a measly 68000 dollars a year ! ! My friend is over the moon be back in UK she's loving it , her husband not so much , but the kids who are teenagers are out every night , sat in their pjs here at night !



Because its u and ya wife though , not so bad , because if it was just me and hubbie I would of been gone now :)

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You have to ask yourself why you want to do this - it doesn't sound like it is going to advance your career and you say you will be financially worse off living in a VERY expensive city. Then you need to weigh up the risks. What would it mean to you and your finances and lifestyle if you come back to the UK and can not get work.

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