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My 189 case has gone a bit of inconclusive as job verification didn't sail smoothly; initially verification calls came but my manager was on vacations, then when my manager joined the office, the immigration officer who called was informed (by substitute manager who responded to the initial calls during my manager's absence) regarding my manager's arrival via phone call as Immigration officer gave his contact details to the substitute manager and requested him to inform when my manager comes back; The tentative time of my manager's arrival was also shared with the Immigration officer


But in between, the immigration officer became restless, made few more call attempts to office (even after he was told regarding my manager's absence) and then tried being over-smart by approaching HR directly (our HR doesn't encourage job verification for Immigration so they didn't respond to his calls ; in-fact that is the reason why many of the officers of our organization, who wish to apply for immigration get their employment verified by their immediate managers/supervisors); HR never responded to his calls/faxes;


The immigration officer without even trying to make contact with my manager, took not much time to provide negative feedback to DIBP (Australia), against which I got an adverse information letter from my GSM Visa officer as they were not able to establish contact with my company and that I should provide clarification as why didn't they respond;


I submitted my detailed comment, supported by my genuine payslip, office ID card and account statement (clearly depicting my Employer name as salary creditor to my account); I apologized to the DIBP for inconvenience faced in my job verification in the submitted draft , and requested them to make contact with my manager again, I emphasized on the provided supporting employment evidences and requested them to verify their authenticity as well by approaching my bank etc.


Its been a month and a half since I submitted my comment and till now there is nothing but silence from the DIBP side;


My manager will fully cooperate if he gets the call but I am certain that my HR wouldn't (that's I took my experience letter from my manager, rather than HR and made mentioned all the contact details of my manager, not of my HR; still I wonder why that Immigration officer didn't follow that letter and approached HR directly (I assume he got the contact details of HR from the website) instead of showing some patience and making contact again with my manager)


Being uncertain about my fate pertaining to this application, a thought came in my mind to withdraw this application and apply a fresh case (with disclosure of my part-time employment only this time; its kinda relevant, around 4 years and I recently pursued them and feeling was a delight that they not only recognized me but also agreed to issue me a letter as per the requirements specified by DIBP)


In connection to this, I would like some serious suggestions and opinions from the expert that what should I really do; wait a more with this application and show hope ? or move out with a new application?


Most importantly I would like to ask that


What If I withdraw my application? would DIBP refund my visa fee? or not? I belong to a 3rd world country and this amount means pretty much to me ? might people living in prospering countries can redeem it in their month's salary, but for people like us, it is usually a salary of a half an year (or even more); so it means alot!


In every correspondence letter they send, it is clearly written on that letter that an applicant can withdraw his application anytime as per his wish. If they write this, then I assume might there have been a refund option too . But it's only my assumption !




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If you withdraw you risk losing all of your money, especially when you haven't been rejected and everything is still in progress. You can try to reach out to DIBP again and see what they say, otherwise if you really want expert advice then I'd suggest contacting an approved immigration agent, only they will be able to give you that expert level, most of us here are just people sharing experiences and interpreting the processes described on the relevant websites.

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If you withdraw you risk losing all of your money, especially when you haven't been rejected and everything is still in progress. You can try to reach out to DIBP again and see what they say, otherwise if you really want expert advice then I'd suggest contacting an approved immigration agent, only they will be able to give you that expert level, most of us here are just people sharing experiences and interpreting the processes described on the relevant websites.


Actually my case is through a consultant and I have paid them too , so if I withdraw, I would be loosing more than half a million in my country's denomination; I ask them what to do and they just say to wait; They know that its not their loss even if I get rejected as they have already made me signed an affidavit which states that they are only processing my application according to the correct migration procedure and that visa grant is entirely at the discretion of DIBP;


To me they are just nothing but a bunch of inexperienced peeps and most of the times I guide them who take my case through; sometimes I wonder why I hired them but Its useless to cry over spilt milk!!!

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I think you need to see it through to the end. You have provided evidence of the employment, pile as much more on your case officer as you possibly can. Flood them with payslips, tax returns and whatever else.


Withdrawing your application is not going to result in a visa fee refund, that money has gone now and for that reason see it through. If there comes a point when it really looks like you are going to be declined and they ask if you want to withrpdrwae the application, then you need to review again at that time, because a visa refusal is a pretty inconvenient thing to have on your record.


I think your situation sounds very precarious and I would get a really good migration agent on your side now to help you get this over the line. You will not get expert help from a forum, we are not experts, just ordinary people that once applied for a visa like you.


On a side note, these visas ar so expensive these days that the costs for an average size family in the UK could quite easily be more than a months income.

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I think you need to see it through to the end. You have provided evidence of the employment, pile as much more on your case officer as you possibly can. Flood them with payslips, tax returns and whatever else.


Withdrawing your application is not going to result in a visa fee refund, that money has gone now and for that reason see it through. If there comes a point when it really looks like you are going to be declined and they ask if you want to withrpdrwae the application, then you need to review again at that time, because a visa refusal is a pretty inconvenient thing to have on your record.


I think your situation sounds very precarious and I would get a really good migration agent on your side now to help you get this over the line. You will not get expert help from a forum, we are not experts, just ordinary people that once applied for a visa like you.


On a side note, these visas ar so expensive these days that the costs for an average size family in the UK could quite easily be more than a months income.


Thanks for some assisting words bungo :), really appreciated, but my case is already through a migration consultant and I am just too saturated that I am not willing to spend more money to hire some other consultant!

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Thanks for some assisting words bungo :), really appreciated, but my case is already through a migration consultant and I am just too saturated that I am not willing to spend more money to hire some other consultant!


Ok I hadn't seen that you already had an agent as I posted. I don't think another one would get involved anyway whilst they are still acting for you as well. I have no idea how good your agent is or otherwise, but based on what you have said, it doesn't sound like it is their fault the verification is not going well, that seems it be down to an uncooperative employer more than anything else.


Good luck with it.

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Ok I hadn't seen that you already had an agent as I posted. I don't think another one would get involved anyway whilst they are still acting for you as well. I have no idea how good your agent is or otherwise, but based on what you have said, it doesn't sound like it is their fault the verification is not going well, that seems it be down to an uncooperative employer more than anything else.


Good luck with it.


yep I've boldly emphasized in my submitted draft to make contact again with my manager, I hope DIBP follows it the same way :)

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I'll just put it out there, and I'm not saying that this is what is happening in this case.....


But, for example, if an applicant had falsified their work experience and was using a friend to pretend to be their manager at a work place and then the department had called the official phone number of the business stated on an application, and subsequently the company concerned couldn't confirm the applicants employment, because they never actually worked there, then that applicant would be in serious trouble.


That applicant should withdraw their application before they get issued with a travel ban to Australia and a visa refusal marked against their name. At least then the applicant could start over again and reapply with genuine information.

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I'll just put it out there, and I'm not saying that this is what is happening in this case.....


But, for example, if an applicant had falsified their work experience and was using a friend to pretend to be their manager at a work place and then the department had called the official phone number of the business stated on an application, and subsequently the company concerned couldn't confirm the applicants employment, because they never actually worked there, then that applicant would be in serious trouble.


That applicant should withdraw their application before they get issued with a travel ban to Australia and a visa refusal marked against their name. At least then the applicant could start over again and reapply with genuine information.


I have submitted my genuine office card (with all my details on it), I have submitted my genuine bank account statement with my employer name written as a source of salary credit ; The immigration officer already made a call attempt to my actual workplace and he has been informed as well that "Person by my name works in this office", but he wanted to talk with my manager (whose name was written on the letter); Even Immigration officer was informed by the substitute manager that my Actual manager is on vacations;


I am ready to be checked by all means from the Immigration officer, I have mentioned in my submitted draft that immigration officer may visit my office and meet me and my manager personally (if he has the ability to pay airfare to travel at my city and reach at my office; because he is sniffing like a Dog so he should act like a Dog too);


But in all that "Don't involve the GODDAMN HR" by being over-smart and just talk to my manager only as HR is not cooperative in the said matter!

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