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We're in the very early stages of dreams and ideas, just trying to do information gathering and get my head round all the visa subclasses etc. my husband and I both grew up overseas, and the UK is not us at all. We're very 'outdoors' people, and hate the winters here. Plus we have 2 little boys who love their sport, particularly cricket, and get fed up being stuck inside.

I'm a primary school teacher (I know there aren't many jobs out there...), and husband is in ICT, networking, Internet security, sales etc...

Look forward to chatting x

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We're in the very early stages of dreams and ideas, just trying to do information gathering and get my head round all the visa subclasses etc. my husband and I both grew up overseas, and the UK is not us at all. We're very 'outdoors' people, and hate the winters here. Plus we have 2 little boys who love their sport, particularly cricket, and get fed up being stuck inside.

I'm a primary school teacher (I know there aren't many jobs out there...), and husband is in ICT, networking, Internet security, sales etc...

Look forward to chatting x


Which part of Australia are you thinking of moving to?



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We're not sure yet to be honest. We have lots of friends in Perth, but it seems more isolated than the other cities we've looked at... Still in the early fact finding stage [emoji3] It looks like it will have to be Perth, Adelaide or Melbourne though as they are the only states sponsoring primary school teachers... X

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We're not sure yet to be honest. We have lots of friends in Perth, but it seems more isolated than the other cities we've looked at... Still in the early fact finding stage [emoji3] It looks like it will have to be Perth, Adelaide or Melbourne though as they are the only states sponsoring primary school teachers... X


If your husband works in ICT then the best option is Melbourne, unless you want him to be a house husband. Adelaide has next to no IT jobs and the Perth market is smaller and shrinking.


The other option is Sydney, but you say they are not sponsoring teachers so that may be out.



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We're not sure yet to be honest. We have lots of friends in Perth, but it seems more isolated than the other cities we've looked at... Still in the early fact finding stage [emoji3] It looks like it will have to be Perth, Adelaide or Melbourne though as they are the only states sponsoring primary school teachers... X


WA will only sponsor if an applicant has a job offer valid for 12 months or more.


South Australia will only offer sponsorship to primary school teachers under the following circumstances:

Occupations on the Supplementary Skilled List and Special Conditions Apply are available if you meet all requirements under one of the following categories:






Victoria requires primary school applicants to be experienced in teaching one of the following languages













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Melbourne sounds best for my husband, but I'm not sure about the languages experience... I do teach French and German, but nowhere near fluent...


You are bound to be more fluent than almost any language teacher here - I have to send my kids to private French lessons as the language teaching at their school is too basic.



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You are bound to be more fluent than almost any language teacher here - I have to send my kids to private French lessons as the language teaching at their school is too basic.




I could always brush up on it a bit. It just depends what evidence they need. I teach year 1 at the moment, so very basic stuff! I did GCSE German, but that was many many years ago lol

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