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Need help with Northern Territory State sponsorship


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I ran across these requirments and would like some information from people done that before.



the NT requirements :



1- Evidence that you have undertaken detailed research into living and working in the NT that demonstrates you have a realistic knowledge of the environment you are planning on migrating to including climate, relocation costs, living expenses (for example, food, utilities, rent), and accommodation costs to settle in the NT. (This evidence should include a narrative explaining your reasons for wanting to migrate to the NT. Extracts from websites that are copied and pasted into your submission will not be accepted).



2- Copies of documents evidencing your employability in the NT with your particular qualifications and employment experience.



3- A statement documenting your commitment to the NT.


3-evidence that you have undertaken detailed research into living and working in the NT that demonstrates you have a realistic knowledge of the relocation costs, living expenses (e.g. food, utilities, rent), and accommodation costs to settle in the NT (this evidence should include a narrative explaining your reasons for wanting to migrate to the NT. Extracts from websites that are copied and pasted into your submission will not be accepted)


looking for help ... how can I have such evidance ?

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I would suggest, put together a plan of your journey from your home now to the place in NT that you wish to migrate to. Show each step, show evidence that you have researched jobs, schools, housing, that you know how much money you'll need per week/month. Show that the job you wish to go for will pay that amount.


You just need to be smart about it. Tell them what they need to hear and be back it up with what you have researched, how you did it, who you have contacted.

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They basically want you to prove that you want to settle in NT rather than using it as a stopgap until you can move to another state.


You need to write a commitment to NT statement (no more than 2 pages) why you have chosen NT over anywhere else in Australia, what you think the NT has to offer, what you can offer to the NT. Research you have undertaken in regards to employment, housing, schools, medical facilities. Note down the research you have done into the cost of living, how much to buy/rent, cost of bills. Why you would fit in. You really need to sell yourself and prove that you want to live there. Also mention the weather stating you are fully aware and prepared for the NT weather.


You should give details of any contacts you have in the NT as they like you to have ties to the state be that personal of professional, better still a job offer.


In regards to employability you need to look on Seek and screenshot all the jobs in the NT that you could apply for in your occupation (just to show there are jobs there for you) I emailed employers (I looked in the OZ yellow pages and emailed any companies in my field). Be honest with the employers you are emailing, send a copy of your CV and current job description and ask them for feedback on the likely-hood of you being able to secure a job on arrival. Include all emails with employers with your application to the NT.


I was granted NT state sponsorship, but unfortunately we had to put our plans on hold so we are still in the UK at the moment.

I actually secured a job by emailing employers for my evidence so you never know you may fall lucky too.


You also have to prove financial assets if you do not have a job to go to so I would also start preparing evidence of that. House valuation, bank statements etc.


Hope the above helps

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that was really helpful Cjenky... I dont think i can have a job offer form overseas as a vet, but i will see what i can do


You're welcome. It's worth a try?! I would just email all the vets in the NT and see what they say. You never your luck. Good luck

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi, Is there anyone can help me out with the same documentation.

planning to apply for NT State SPONSORSHIP.

1- Evidence that you have undertaken detailed research into living and working in the NT that demonstrates you have a realistic knowledge of the environment you are planning on migrating to including climate, relocation costs, living expenses (for example, food, utilities, rent), and accommodation costs to settle in the NT. (This evidence should include a narrative explaining your reasons for wanting to migrate to the NT. Extracts from websites that are copied and pasted into your submission will not be accepted).

2- Copies of documents evidencing your employability in the NT with your particular qualifications and employment experience.

3- A statement documenting your commitment to the NT.

4-evidence that you have undertaken detailed research into living and working in the NT that demonstrates you have a realistic knowledge of the relocation costs, living expenses (e.g. food, utilities, rent), and accommodation costs to settle in the NT (this evidence should include a narrative explaining your reasons for wanting to migrate to the NT. Extracts from websites that are copied and pasted into your submission will not be accepted)

any sample will help me out , pls

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I had my nomination granted in 3 days. I have lived in Darwin previously so had a very good understanding of the lifestyle. You really need to make them believe its where you want to live and even more so its where you want to stay long term. A job offer is also very very helpful. There are a lot of samples on google of peoples letters etc

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As mentioned I would definitely talk about the weather and that you have thoroughly researched into it. If you haven't already been to the NT, fair warning its extremely hot and humid. It may only say its 35 degrees but it feels like 50+

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I wonder why people are asked to write this, I can't imagine any possible reason why NT would be better than any other state unless you were a crocodile hunter or working with indigenous communities or something like that.

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4 hours ago, can1983 said:

I wonder why people are asked to write this, I can't imagine any possible reason why NT would be better than any other state unless you were a crocodile hunter or working with indigenous communities or something like that.

Probably to make sure that people fully understand what its like living in the NT, the extreme heat etc, living costs.  Its not exactly the same as living in the middle of Melbourne!

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Probably to make sure that people fully understand what its like living in the NT, the extreme heat etc, living costs.  Its not exactly the same as living in the middle of Melbourne!
I actually chose the NT out of all the states. I lived in all and found the NT suited my lifestyle the most. Individual preferences I guess. Its very chilled, wildlife is amazing, theres less population so no congestion, and the national parks and fishing is awesome. My job entitled me to all states
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