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Paying UK NI contributions whilst PR in Australia?


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Could someone advise me whether we'll be able to keep paying our UK NI contributions whilst being permanent residents in Australia? We'd like to keep contributing to our UK state pension (although being 33 just now, I doubt whether we'll actually receive anything by the time we turn 68 or whatever our retirement age is likely to be by then!). I've tried to research it but this webpage seems to imply that I won't be able to keep my contributions going:




If indeed I'm wrong in my interpretation of this info and I can keep paying them, could anyone tell me how much it's likely to be each month (for budgeting purposes).



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It costs about £13 a week, I have just looked into topping mine up. Then I am older than you and have just moved back. Not aware of any reason why you could not top up and not sure where you read that in the link either because I certainly can't see it, still not sure I would in your circumstances.

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It costs about £13 a week, I have just looked into topping mine up. Then I am older than you and have just moved back. Not aware of any reason why you could not top up and not sure where you read that in the link either because I certainly can't see it, still not sure I would in your circumstances.


Thanks Bungo. By moving to Oz we fall into this section and as we're working up until we leave maybe we fall into the third bullet point, but that only seems to apply for the first year after we move? This stuff is all so confusing!

[h=2]"Working in any other country[/h]You’ll carry on paying UK National Insurance for the first 52 weeks you’re abroad if you’re working for an employer outside the EEA, Switzerland and bilateral Social Security agreement countries, and you meet the following 3 conditions:



  • your employer has a place of business in the UK

  • you’re ordinarily resident in the UK

  • you were living in the UK immediately before starting work abroad"


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Thanks Bungo. By moving to Oz we fall into this section and as we're working up until we leave maybe we fall into the third bullet point, but that only seems to apply for the first year after we move? This stuff is all so confusing!

"Working in any other country


You’ll carry on paying UK National Insurance for the first 52 weeks you’re abroad if you’re working for an employer outside the EEA, Switzerland and bilateral Social Security agreement countries, and you meet the following 3 conditions:



  • your employer has a place of business in the UK

  • you’re ordinarily resident in the UK

  • you were living in the UK immediately before starting work abroad"




I don't see how that applies to you? You would need to meet all three conditions, not one of them.


Accordingly you need to follow the link for paying voluntary contributions, that opens up a new page.

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I don't see how that applies to you? You would need to meet all three conditions, not one of them.


Accordingly you need to follow the link for paying voluntary contributions, that opens up a new page.


Ahhh... that makes more sense! Thank you for helping me clarify this Bungo (feeling a bit dense now!).


So as you say, just the decision now whether it's worthwhile paying it each week, or just add more in to our Australian super. What's the likelyhood of the British State Pension still being in payment in 30/40 years time I wonder?

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In your position I wouldn't pay anything now. You can always top up with voluntary contributions later. Unless your circumstances change I would just review it every 10 years to see if it makes sense. A lot depends where you envisage yourself retiring. If that is Oz then paying into Super makes more sense.

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I agree the important thing is to consider where you plan to retire. If you see your future in Australia forever, then maybe it's not worth making the NI contributions. If you expect to go back to the UK in your old age, then I think it's worth making some contributions.


The reason is that even now, if you leave Australia before retirement age, you can't claim the Australian pension. That could mean you'd be stuck in Australia until you're over 70. And if you haven't made enough NI contributions, you won't get the British pension either.


If you've got private pensions/super,you may think you won't need either of the government pensions but that's a bit foolhardy IMO. A superannuation pension will only last as long as your money lasts - it can run out, and what will you live on then? Govt pensions are valuable safety nets.


It's true that pension rules will have changed by the time you reach pension age, but it's not a huge amount of money to pay for a bit of insurance, really

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Thank you Marisa and GbyeGreySky - lots to think about. It's tricky to consider what position we'll be in in 35 years time. Our priority is to save a deposit for a house when we arrive in Australia, so perhaps topping up our NI will not be a priority to begin with. I appreciate all your guidance.

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