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A Word of Thanks


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I just wanted to say thank you to all the 'grown ups' we take time to answer queries on the young ones threads. Their fears are often just the same as ours and people responding to their posts make all the difference.


So .... thank you (you all know who you are)


Ali xx

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Guest kdal
rock on ali,

their little worlds are just as important as us grown up worlds dont ya think




Totally agree, although I dont think many of the younger people have been on here recently.


Having said that just spotted two !


You just know when they get there they are going to love it !!! I remember being in Australia and going to the outside pools after my niece had finished school (she was 12 at the time), and lots of teens met up there with their friends and really seemed to have a lovely life. Also remember going to the beach and the girls looked well cool with their Roxy swim wear and their matching Roxy Surf Boards, and not to forget the boys too and their cool swim wear.


Good Luck all of you Kimxx

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Guest joanneG



Thanks for that comment. I agree, my daughter loves this site and feels really cool showing her friends. It defo makes her feel more involved.


Joanne x

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