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Accountants with 60 Points, expected waiting time for 189 VISA


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Dear All,


I Submitted EOI with 60 Points on June 28, 2015 under 2211 (Management Accountant). I know there is long waiting que, can anyone suggest when i should expect invitation? I know Aug 03, is impossible.


Your ideas will help me in making necessary arrangements.



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One thing in your advantage, in my opinion, is that the criteria for a successful skills assessment has got tougher from July, so it will be interesting to see how many people are now unsuccessful in their skills assessment who would previously have been successful. Will the number applying for invitations in the future under this category drop ?


Does anyone have similar thoughts ?


I am in a similar situation to yourself, just waiting for my English test next week, so am interested to see how you get on. Please let me know.

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I echo Makybe Diva's post, criteria got so much tougher for accountants and auditors.

I was so lucky to get my assessment on July, 26th - caught the last train )))


How did it get tougher? Just interested.

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