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Living in Victoria on a Bridging Visa A whilst waiting for Visa 804


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My in-laws have just moved over from the UK to live in Victoria. They have applied for an Aged Parent 804 visa and are currently on a Bridging Visa A.

They are 79 and 78. I just have a few questions I need clearing up if anyone can help.


1. Are they considered to be Temporary Residents

2. Can they use their UK Driving Licences indefinitely and can they apply for a Victorian Driving Licence?

3. What are their entitlements for Medicare (I have had so many different responses to this)

4. They have their UK Pension paid into a UK account then they will transfer it over here. What are the Tax implications?

5. Do they qualify for 1st time home buyers grant?


Thanks heaps

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When you ask about temporary or permanent residence, do you mean for immigration purposes or taxation purposes? They are two completely different things, and it's possible to be resident under one but not under the other.


They are almost certainly residents in Australia for tax purposes and will therefore have to declare their UK income on their Australian tax return, no matter where the money is paid into.


Medicare - here are the relevant pages of the Medicare site:





Driving licence - I suggest going in to the RTA and asking them. Normally they could only drive on their British licence for a year but being on a bridging visa may make things complicated.


You must be a permanent resident or citizen to get the First Home Owners Grant in Victoria.

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In Victoria, as long as you are on a temporary visa (Bridging visas are temporary) you can use an overseas licence. There is no time limit. How and ever, if they are over 70 they will need to renew your UK licence every three years and I think they have to be resident in the UK to do so.


They would still be able to exchange their licence for a Vctorian one and would probably be sensible to do so as you often have to show a driving licence as proof of identity/address in Australia.

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