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AITSL teaching skills assessment query


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I woke up this morning to read the following on the AITSL check status page of their website:


"Application status: Assessment completed

Your assessment outcome has been posted. Please allow up to three weeks for the delivery of your outcome to an address outside Australia."



Is this likely to indicate a positive skills assessment? We're desperate to put our EoI in to get things moving so I can hopefully apply for jobs starting in January - is it too much of a risk to put it in before we receive the bit of paper? Any thoughts?



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I think you need to wait for it to arrive, mine only took 7 days from the change in the status on AITSL. On the EOI you have to put the date the certificate was issued (which will only be on the certificate). Hopefully it will be with you soon, good luck! X

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Hi pih5ped, I lodged my AITSL skills assessment request on 2nd June. They say 10 weeks as the usual process time, but status changed to completed today which is exactly 7 weeks in. I'm really pleased it's been processed a bit ahead of schedule (provided it is a positive result when it eventually arrives through the post, but surely if it was negative they would have asked for more documentation - fingers crossed this is the case!). Have you already submitted yours? If so, you can check the status using this link (it became a bit of an obsession of mine as I checked it every day!): http://www.migration.aitsl.edu.au/CheckApplicationStatus

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I woke up this morning to read the following on the AITSL check status page of their website:


"Application status: Assessment completed

Your assessment outcome has been posted. Please allow up to three weeks for the delivery of your outcome to an address outside Australia."



Is this likely to indicate a positive skills assessment? We're desperate to put our EoI in to get things moving so I can hopefully apply for jobs starting in January - is it too much of a risk to put it in before we receive the bit of paper? Any thoughts?




It just says it is completed. I would not take that to mean it is positive but nor would I take it to mean it is negative.

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How long did it take, To obtain it? And does anyone know if it varies on the occupation of interest?


I applied for Early Childhood teacher it took 3 weeks from the date I posted it for them to acknowledge they had received it, 13 weeks to process and then 1 week to receive my certificate. So a long long wait for me! X

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Good point Selina - I forgot about the three weeks it took my application to reach them and for it to be acknowledged. It's a waiting game right enough, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.


I guess I'm being optimistic Bungo, I could well be getting excited about the arrival of what could turn out to be a negative assessment. I really hope not! More nervous now!

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