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After Passing the Assessment in ACS, what's the next step to do???

Rico J

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Hi all,


First and foremost, im a newbie here in this forum. Im from Philippines. I just wanted to have an idea what to do next step after passing the assessment in Australian Computer Society.


I got passed that assessment as a software tester this month i received the email of ACS.


Please specify what to do in next step process.


Looking for a positive and good response from you all.


thanks and god bless..

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i process my assessment via online only ChrisH at ACS Website. i just want to know insights what to do next after i pass my ACS Assessment.


Again it depends on what visa....if you want the best insight then speak to a registered migration agent. Given you havent done any more than ACS you will need to speak with someone who can give you professional guidance.

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Most people start by workout which visa they may be eligible for, researching the steps involved and what they need to gather to apply. You've maybe started at step 5, but no reason you can't go back to the beginning of the process.


This link will help - put in your occupation to see what visa you may be eligible for (if it's the 190 visa, then look at which states are sponsoring) --- https://www.anzscosearch.com/


Once you know the visa and/state, look at the DIBP website and state websites to see what's required for a visa. Do your basic research, and then come back with more specific questions you may have.

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