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Anyone want my money??? :)


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Good afternoon my beautiful pommies!


Goodness me, if happiness was on a scale measured in weight, I'd be that fat vampire in Blade! :D


Visa was actually granted yesterday morning! Shippings booked....so far everything is going well!


We're not actually leaving till mid Oct but thought id throw a Q if anyone has a camper van, van that sleeps etc etc for sale or thinking of selling in the future?


Cant afford accommodation until we find a rental so doing it van-style!


Thanks! Much love!

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thats the way we started too, its good, do however bear in mind that one does not simply take a house in a few days here in australia, such things tend to take weeks.

i dont know what they do, maybe have meetings drink coffee, doughnuts..... suffice to say, even when you're touring in the van, you should spend a little time getting on the phone to get things lined up :)

it's the perfect start, enjoy :)

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