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Moving, Sydney to Melbourne - Some Advice required

Tommy Tucker

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Some Advice required


Strongly Thinking of Selling Up in Sydney and moving to Melbourne, for the following reasons,

1. Firstly I like Melbourne and always felt more at home there, only been in Sydney 5 years and kids are only 7&8, so no real ties

2. Secondly, if I do move to Melbourne I can reduce my Debt down to virtually zero, with the equity from my Sydney home. I am now 45 and by staying in Sydney will mean that I will have a mortgage into my 60's

3. With a reduced debt burden, I believe that my mindset or peace of mind will improve and that my lifestyle as well.


Given all the above I and my wife think that this move is a no brainer, however I have one issue and that is work,


I have a good job in Sydney (which I hate, so leaving is not an issue), but finding work in Melbourne without living there is no so easy as I feel that recruiters etc. are not taking you seriously with a Sydney address. So the question is


1. Should I move, resign from my post and take a chance?

2. Should I move and commute from Melbourne to Sydney until I have a Melbourne job

3. Should I wait till I have a job in Melbourne, which I do not want to do


I'd be interested to know peoples views and if anyone has been in this position,



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Hello there


I currently live in Sydney and despise the place, I am itching myself to get to Melbourne, but my hubby's job is here in Sydney (hoping like hell we get a transfer).


I am currently applying for jobs in Melbourne but luckily our son lives there, so i am using his address.

I wouldn't quit my job and not have a job to go to, the job market is not that flash (however I don't know what your profession is, so maybe you will be ok)

I hear you on the housing market, its crazy here in Sydney, in fact as much to say its not affordable for many people now...Good luck with everything

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I get your reasons, I am also 45 and being mortgaged to the hilt until pension age was putting me off Sydney too.


Anyway I would do 3). Moving between Sydney and Melbourne is not that unusual, I can't see why an employer would not take you seriously. I had a Melbourne employer want to talk to me about a job in Melbourne whilst we were still in Sydney and it didn't appear to be anything to them, I also know plenty that have found new jobs in othrer states and moved.


I wouldnt do 1) because the job market is generally competitive at the moment and unemployment a bit high. I wouldn't do 2) because of family life and the expense of running two places.

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