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Can't come to Australia due to nursing diploma not degree.


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Hi everyone. I have just spoken to another migration agent and I have now been told that as I only have a diploma in nursing and not a degree I am no longer able to emigrate. This is completely new to me. Has anyone else come across this. I am devastated I was all ready to come but bye bye dream I suppose Xxxx

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Hi everyone. I have just spoken to another migration agent and I have now been told that as I only have a diploma in nursing and not a degree I am no longer able to emigrate. This is completely new to me. Has anyone else come across this. I am devastated I was all ready to come but bye bye dream I suppose Xxxx



yes this has been the case for a good few months now as AHPRA has changed its guidance - you could do a top up - i know others are if they are wanting to emigrate. Might be worth looking into if you really want to go x Think there is a nurses thread on here you could have a look at about the changes.... Good Luck x

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Hi everyone. I have just spoken to another migration agent and I have now been told that as I only have a diploma in nursing and not a degree I am no longer able to emigrate. This is completely new to me. Has anyone else come across this. I am devastated I was all ready to come but bye bye dream I suppose Xxxx


Yep, I thought it had been this way for a year or so to be honest. Can you top up?

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On second thoughts, last I heard ANMAC, who do skills assessment, would provide positive skills assessments for diploma qualifications and it was just APHRA who do the registration that require a degree.


Has that changed? I recommend you look at ANMAC requirements. If it has not changed, then you could get the visa now, before you lose points for age and then top up afterwards so that you can work as a nurse once you get to Australia.


I don't want to get hopes up, it might well be me that is out of date here.

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I cannot look right now but I really hope you are right bungo. I keep you posted thanks for making me smile again today lol


I hope Bungo is correct too, but I have read somewhere recently that ANMAC won't issue skills assessments unless you can show that AHPRA will register you - sounds like a vicious circle, and might be worth checking direct with ANMAC.

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Just got this email

Hi Charlie

There has been a great deal of confusion regarding nurses/qualifications etc.

We do now have positive confirmation that unless you hold a nursing degree then your application for skills assessment will not be successful.

You do have the option to enrol on a bridging course (roughly $7000) and takes about 12 weeks to complete the course - you can then apply for a student visa.




will look into that xxxx

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Just got this email

Hi Charlie

There has been a great deal of confusion regarding nurses/qualifications etc.

We do now have positive confirmation that unless you hold a nursing degree then your application for skills assessment will not be successful.

You do have the option to enrol on a bridging course (roughly $7000) and takes about 12 weeks to complete the course - you can then apply for a student visa.




will look into that xxxx


Is Susan from ANMAC? If she is not, then I would want to hear it from then directly.

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She is from go Matilda I am looking into aphra now and going round in circles



That is disappointing but for my peace of mind, frankly I would want it from the horses mouth myself. For that you need to check with ANMAC, not AHPRA. It is ANMAC that do skills assessments and it is a skills assessment you need for a visa.


It very clear that you will not be able to get registered with AHPRA at the moment, but you can deal with that afterwards by a top up course. If you are approaching one of the ages where you lose points, just see if you can get the visa for now.

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That is disappointing but for my peace of mind, frankly I would want it from the horses mouth myself. For that you need to check with ANMAC, not AHPRA. It is ANMAC that do skills assessments and it is a skills assessment you need for a visa.


It very clear that you will not be able to get registered with AHPRA at the moment, but you can deal with that afterwards by a top up course. If you are approaching one of the ages where you lose points, just see if you can get the visa for now.


Unfortunately it does seem to confirm what I had heard - which was from another diploma qualified nurse dealing with an agency that has been placing nurses in Australia for many years. She was also told that the agent who was trying to get her AHPRA registration sorted had met a brick wall so went to ANMAC to see if she could get her skills assessment done first. The same answer resulted.She had to do the top up course first as ANMAC won't give a positive skills assessment to soeone who cn't be registered with AHPRA.


Nursing used to be such a reliable way of getting into Australia -seems to be the opposite now. So glad my husband can come on a spuse visa instead.

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Sadly ANMAC have now chaned their rules in line with AHPRA requirements for registration. I really can bet how you are feeling it is such a disappointment. Are you working at the moment? Don't lose hope, though I think time is of the essence! It is possible to fast track a top up to degree level, as you will need this to practise in Oz anyway.

Have you included an extra 10 points for superior English level if you can get 8.0s in IELTS? And are you claiming for work experience? Do you have a migration agent that can advise you on exactly what your options are?

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Sorry to hear that ANMAC have changed to be in line with AHPRA. Makes sense though I suppose. I am a diploma nurse but got my positive anmac last year, so thankfully got my pr but then refused registration by Ahpra. I have done the bridging course now but there are no courses that cost $7000, more like $12000. It may be worth applying for your APHRA so that you can get referred for the bridging course, as you can't do it without being referred.

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Me too, I'm also a diploma nurse but got my skills assessed before they changed the rules but I'm still awaiting grant after 5 months waiting so far! I too will have to apply to AHPRA hopefully for a referral for bridging course, otherwise it's a change of career for me!

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Don't wait too long before you apply to Aphra they took 6 months to reply to me and refer me to a bridging course. You can apply while waiting for your visa, you get 12 months from when they refer you to actually start the course.

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The other girls that were on the course with me were all there on 3 month visitor visas. They can then apply to APHRA and for visa. Most were looking to get sponsered but that was because they didn't have enough years experience to get the points on the pr. The course itself I found pretty mind numbingly boring!! The 4 weeks theory had a few good refresher points but not many. Then the 4 weeks practice was well pretty pointless too! Most people get placed in small private hospitals where there is not much to experienced. If you plan to work in a busy public hospital then it won't really help although it did help me with getting used to different drug names. Anyway the way I see it is as a means to an end. I couldn't nurse here without it so just had to get on with it and not complain.

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Lol. It sounds like you had fun then hehe. I am waiting for a call from my migration officer then I'll take it from there. Sent a message to aphra and they keep sending me back to migration and then they send me back again so I am going to get migration lady to sort it lol thanks for all your advice tho I'll keep you posted and hopefully we will get that beer in Adelaide


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