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Breast Implants!

Guest mr_nastey

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Guest mr_nastey



I'm not personally having breast implants!! but my wife is.


We are also just about to have our VISA medicals and I have only just realised the relevence!!


Do breast implants matter, does the medical examiner ask?

Should we wait until we are in Oz?

Or should we simply not say anything?


All help on this appreciated


Cheers Steve.

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Guest spray21

I can't imagine it would cause problems! It is probably something that you should mention to the doc who does your medicals, but I honestly can't think of any reason why it would be a problem.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest jojoe


sorry this is a late post, i had breast implants last year due to breast deformities, this might be a silly question but i am hoping to move over to Oz once i qualify as a registered nurse next september. I understand i need a chest xray, sure i will mention this when i get my medical but can having implants stop me getting a visa?

thanks xx

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sorry this is a late post, i had breast implants last year due to breast deformities, this might be a silly question but i am hoping to move over to Oz once i qualify as a registered nurse next september. I understand i need a chest xray, sure i will mention this when i get my medical but can having implants stop me getting a visa?

thanks xx


Hi JoJoe

Trust me, your breast implants will not be a problem with your chest x-ray or visa. I have a breast implant as a result of cancer many years ago. I chose to get a copy of my medical records relating to this and took them with me to the panel doctor for the medical so that he could send them off with the report. Figured that my CO was bound to ask for them anyway so it would save time and problems later. May make sense for you to do this also.


Our visa was granted a month after medicals without any further queries so you will be fine.


Steve - guess the same would go for your missus. Get copies of records relating to her implant operation along with a letter from surgeon/consultant confirming all is OK, signed off etc and take to medical with you. Fail to see any reason why you would be refused, only thing l can imagine is CO asking for more details before visa is granted which is why I suggest getting copy of medical records beforehand.


Good luck! and NO they won't burst on the plane - just incase any silly bu**er asks :biglaugh:

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Guest jojoe

funny about the 'will they burst on the plane'question, i went over to Thailand in January with my mum, she was convinced they would pop, would make a horrible mess if they did though:biglaugh:, though i did get water retention in them, made a change from my ankles!!

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Guest oz migration



As Lyne&San have stated it is not a problem. The chest checks are for TB and the question of surgery is for the invasive non routine (breast implants in general is considered routine and non invasive - although a few females would probably think otherwise).

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