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Partner/PMV question


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I am currently in Aus on a tourist visa, awaiting my PMV to be granted (expected next few weeks). We are currently in Vic but hoping to move to NSW in the very near future to be near family, it's just hard for SO to find a job in that area at the moment. By a massive stroke of luck my sister's company can give me a really good job opportunity when the PMV is granted, and the fact they are willing to wait makes it too good to turn down. However I obviously do not want to live apart from SO, but if I know it is temporary then I can cope. I was wondering if anyone else is in this situation and would immigration be okay with this? Do I have to notify them I am living 5 days a week in another area?

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I am currently in Aus on a tourist visa, awaiting my PMV to be granted (expected next few weeks). We are currently in Vic but hoping to move to NSW in the very near future to be near family, it's just hard for SO to find a job in that area at the moment. By a massive stroke of luck my sister's company can give me a really good job opportunity when the PMV is granted, and the fact they are willing to wait makes it too good to turn down. However I obviously do not want to live apart from SO, but if I know it is temporary then I can cope. I was wondering if anyone else is in this situation and would immigration be okay with this? Do I have to notify them I am living 5 days a week in another area?

You only have to tell them if you change your permanent address. If you change your address, but not that of your partner, it starts to look like you intend to actually live apart, rather than just being apart for work. My husband works away from home a lot but we have always said that our home address, where I am all the time, is his permanent address. When doing our PR paperwork recently we mentioned in our statements that he works away from home and lodges with people as that is the only way he can get work. However all his work stuff has our home address on it, his visa paperwork has it, and all the banks etc have this one nothis temporary lodging one.

MKe sure that you keep loads of evidence of how you keep in touch while you are working away, to prove how strong the relationship is.

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