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What documentation do I need for a Rental Pack?

Major Tom

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Hi all, simple question, quite a few have mentioned Rental Packs, what do I need within this before I start looking at Agents and Properties. At the moment, I am looking to arrive with a job, but nothing at the moment, whether that has an impact, not sure?


cheers MT

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I had with me a photocopy of my passport, drivers licence, reference from our rental agent in New Zealand, and a copy of my work contract. I think some people do covering letters but I didn't. Just explained that we were moving from overseas and the rest of the family was following.

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We did a cover letter explaining who we were, details of our property in Scotland (highlighting that we too are landlords), recent bank statements, details of employment, driving licence, passport, Medicare card copy, details of a short term holiday let we had upon arrival which apparently was start of a rental history as far as the real estate agents were concerned.


Recommend doing a cover letter. It's your chance to really talk yourself up! (Mention that you love gardening if the house in question has a large garden etc. that type of stuff).

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We applied through 1form, really easy when when agents use it (shame they all don't). It seems to be owned by realestate.com


Before viewing you can pre apply by clicking the house online link on domain.com or realestate.com and house details are added (but don't actually submit yet).

After viewing, use your phone to log in and submit, tell/show the agent. Or just tell them you will do when you get home.


I asked a few if it mattered if you are the first or not. They all said no, as they submit to landlord with recommendations.

So it is worth talking to the agent, be friendly and tell them how good you are! However, I am sure there is some black magic going on as well!


You can set up a profile without applying for anything and see what they ask for and upload copies (eg passport/drivers, statements etc) .

You could then print out the forms anyway and take with you.


We did not get the first couple of applications. After that we added a statement from savings account and also offered 3 months up front.

Got the next house, but did not have to pay the extra months. The agent told us he thought we felt right for it !! go figure.

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In my experience this rental pack thing is a mythology that people worry way too much about: an agent will tell me what you do, how many of you there are, what income you have and how good your references are. That's it. I don't get to know whether you love world peace, face painting and flowers or whether your dog is well behaved and has its own reference, nothing.


Make a good impression with the agent, be smart and talk to them, they will not, however, pass on any personal details so providing things over and above what they ask for as ID and proof on income is a waste of time. They will also not recommend one person to me above another, all they give me is the facts about whether you're on a tenancy database for non payment or trashing a joint then it's up to me to decide.


I would be very interested if any of the other landlords here have ever seen sight or sound of one of these packs? I wonder if it's only QLD where the agents are that restricted in what they can pass on as there are people here who say they've been successful because of them. I believe landlords can let the agent decide who the tenant will be if they instruct them to do so, so whether it makes a difference then..?

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we have rented 4 times in two different states and never bothered with any of that, its a bit over the top. Filled in an application form, showed them a bank statement and that was it. You put your last Agent down on the form anyway and the new agent will contact them. The very first time when we didn't have a previous rental ,didn't even make a difference, they saw that we had money to cover the rent from the bank statement.


Its the same old story with the Jeyes fluid, some ones started it somewhere along the line and people think its a must!

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