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Moving Back - Different State- Different State of mind


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I moved to Brisbane last year and lasted 3 months. Whilst we moved in with my partners twin sister, i found them nothing alike and because of two such dissimilar couples living together this caused my partners and my morale levels to drop to such low levels we packed it in within that time. However since moving back to the UK, i moved to a city rather than a town, gained lots of experience and learnt a lot about myself. Now here comes the tricky part, when i first moved away i was in contact constantly with friends and family back home, this made me feel like i was missing out. Now i'm thinking if i was to give it one more shot, move to somewhere cooler (temp wise), that me and my partner focus on one another and building a life like we have here in the UK without too much outside influence that we may actually have a shot in Victoria somewhere. I'm 29 and my partner 31 (she has residency status) and we feel time is running out. Now i am a qualified domestic and lpg along with industrial and commercial gas engineer. I found out the hard way that my trade was not in demand as much as i thought in Brisbane but was told upon first visit i should have tried for Victoria. Has anyone ever had this emotions before? Returning to the UK only to find a year later that if they had one more shot that they would take it with both hands? or perhaps they've done this at a similar age to us and has been the best or worst thing they've done?

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Lots of people return to the UK and then come back again, they call it Ping Ponging,lol. In fact our friends return in a few weeks after a stint back there. Lots of people do it so your certainly not the first.

Good luck with everything


Cal x

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As Cal says, there are many ping pongers - in fact a number who have done it repeatedly!


I would start by doing research on the job opportunities for you in the areas you are thinking of going to. Be aware as well that each state licencing rules for your work and what you would need to do to achieve that

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